Scrum 101 Agile Project Management

Course 5 – Agile Project Management QUIZ ANSWERS

Week 2: Scrum 101

Google Project Management: Professional Certificate

Coursera Answers & Study Guide

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The Scrum 101 pillar of Coursera’s Google Project Management: Professional Certificate introduces learners to Scrum values and how they are critical for successful Scrum Teams. The Scrum Values of Commitment, Focus, Openness, Respect, and Courage allow Scrum Teams to build trust, enable collaboration and foster a culture of continuous learning.

In addition to understanding the Scrum Values, this Pillar also introduces the Scrum Team roles. This includes the Scrum Master, who is responsible for ensuring that Scrum principles remain at the forefront of decision-making processes, and the Product Owner, who serves as an intermediary between stakeholders and developers. Lastly, the Development Team are responsible for delivering value to users through their codebase in an iterative fashion.

By understanding Scrum Values and Scrum Team roles, learners will gain a foundational knowledge of Scrum, allowing them to explore the Scrum Framework in-depth further. This Pillar is an essential part of Coursera’s Google Project Management: Professional Certificate, providing learners with the tools they need to become Scrum experts.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify and compare the essential roles in a Scrum team and what makes them effective.
  • Explain the pillars of Scrum and how they support Scrum values.


1. What is the primary role of the Development Team, also known as Developers?

  • Help the team understand why their work matters
  • Maximize the value of the product delivered by the team
  • Build the product (CORRECT)
  • Ensure the team is building the right product

Correct: The primary role of the Development Team is to build the product.

2. What are the primary responsibilities of a Product Owner? Select all that apply.

  • Coaches the Scrum Team
  • Makes sure the product or service fulfills the customer’s needs (CORRECT)
  • Ensures the Product Backlog is visible and transparent to all (CORRECT)
  • Prioritizes the Product Backlog to optimize delivery and value to customers (CORRECT)

Correct: The Product Owner is responsible for making sure the product or service fulfills the customer’s needs. They also prioritize the Product Backlog and ensure it is visible and transparent to all.

Correct: The Product Owner is responsible for ensuring the Product Backlog is visible and transparent to everyone. They also prioritize the Product Backlog and ensure the product or service fulfills customer needs.

Correct: The Product Owner is responsible for prioritizing the Product Backlog. They also make sure that the Product Backlog is transparent and that the product or service fulfills customer needs.

Correct: Waterfall aims for predictability while Agile embraces uncertainty. In Waterfall, there is a sequential or linear ordering of phases, while Agile takes an iterative approach.

3. What is the primary role of the Scrum Master?

  • They do the work to build the product.
  • They work to continuously maximize the value of the product delivered by the Scrum Team.
  • They promote and support the Scrum process by helping everyone understand and implement Scrum. (CORRECT)
  • They ensure the team is building the right product.

Correct: The primary role of the Scrum Master is to promote and support the Scrum process. Ultimately, the Scrum Master is accountable for the Scrum Team’s effectiveness.

4. Imagine you are a Scrum Master coaching Developers to embrace the traits of an effective Development Team: being cross-functional, self-organizing, and supportive. Which additional trait should effective Development Teams display?

  • They should be customer-oriented. (CORRECT)
  • They should work as individuals rather than as a team.
  • They should operate independently, without direct oversight from the Product Owner
  • They should share expertise in the same discipline.

Correct: The Development Team includes the people who build the product. They should be customer-oriented, meaning they focus on the user when building their products.


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Agile Project Management WEEKLY CHALLENGE 2

1. In the three pillars of Scrum Theory, what does inspection refer to? Select all that apply.

  • Allowing stakeholders a look into project plans
  • Continuously checking in on progress and deliverables to detect any undesirable changes (CORRECT)
  • Performing regular evaluations in order to find improvements (CORRECT)
  • Conducting timely checks towards the outcome of a sprint goal to detect undesirable variances (CORRECT)

2. In Agile, what is a mission statement?

  • A short statement that shows stakeholders what your team’s values are.  
  • A short statement that helps your team imagine what the work will be like when they’re done.
  • A short statement that gives your team something to work towards and stays constant throughout the project.  (CORRECT)
  • A short statement that explains specific tasks your team members should work on.

3. Fill in the blank: In Scrum, the _____ often assumes the role of the Scrum Master.

  • Product Owner
  • Stakeholder
  • project manager (CORRECT)
  • Development Team Member

4. What are some key skills a successful Scrum Master should have? Select all that apply.

  • Budgeting
  • Coaching (CORRECT)
  • Leadership (CORRECT)
  • Communication (CORRECT)

5. What two qualities should a successful Development Team possess? Select all that apply.

  • Independent
  • Self-sufficient
  • Cross-functional (CORRECT)
  • Self-organizing (CORRECT)

6. What are the key characteristics of successful Product Owners? Select all that apply.

  • Independent
  • Optimistic (CORRECT)
  • Customer-focused (CORRECT)
  • Collaborative (CORRECT)

7. A team member is working on a very specific solution involving a new technology. Teammates work together to speed up their progress. With their teammates’ help, they get it across the finish line.

  • What core Scrum value is embodied in this scenario?
  • Focus (CORRECT)
  • Respect
  • Openness
  • Courage

8. As a project manager organizing a development team, you want to make sure the team has the skills necessary to build the product or carry out the service. Which recommended team trait does this represent?

  • supportive
  • self-managing
  • customer-oriented
  • cross functional (CORRECT)

9. Fill in the blank: A Product Owner and project manager typically both have the responsibility of _____.

  • timebox management
  • Product Backlog management
  • team performance management
  • stakeholder management (CORRECT)

10. What are some of the tasks Product Owners are responsible for? Select all that apply.

  • Deal with vendors and contract negotiations
  • Ensure the Product Backlog is visible and transparent to all (CORRECT)
  • Continuously maximize the value of the product delivered by the Scrum Team (CORRECT)
  • Ensure the team builds the right product or service (CORRECT)

11. What is the main difference between a Scrum Master and a project manager?

  • A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a coach and facilitator to the Scrum Team (CORRECT)
  • A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a customer liaison to the Scrum Team
  • A Scrum Master chiefly acts as the main line of communication between stakeholders and the Scrum Team
  • A Scrum Master chiefly acts as a product technical expert to the Scrum Team

12. What is the optimal size of a Development Team?

  • 3 to 9 people (CORRECT)
  • 1 to 3 people
  • 5 to 20 people
  • 11 to 15 people

13. Who on the Scrum Team is responsible for meeting customers’ needs and prioritizing the Product Backlog?

  • Development Team
  • Product Owner (CORRECT)
  • Scrum Master
  • Project Manager

14. What is one responsibility of both a Product Owner and a project manager?

  • Timebox management
  • Stakeholder management (CORRECT)
  • Product Backlog management
  • Team performance management

15. In the three pillars of Scrum, what does transparency mean? Select all that apply.

  • Only team members who deal with vendors or stakeholders must be transparent.
  • Teams must be upfront and open with all stakeholders, including team members, customers, sponsors, and management. (CORRECT)
  • Everyone on the team must be transparent in order to avoid mixed signals, breakdowns of communication, and unnecessary complications. (CORRECT)
  • Teams must make the most significant aspects of their work visible to those responsible for the outcome. (CORRECT)

16. In Scrum, the Product Owner is responsible for what? Select all that apply.

  • Coaching and facilitating Scrum events
  • Ensuring the product or service fulfill the customers’ needs (CORRECT)
  • Helping the Developers understand what to build (CORRECT)
  • Prioritizing the Product Backlog (CORRECT)

17. What are a Product Owner’s responsibilities? Select all that apply.

  • Facilitate Scrum events such as the Sprint Planning and Retrospective
  • Help the team understand the overall goal and mission of the project (CORRECT)
  • Make sure the product fulfills the customers’ needs (CORRECT)
  • Clearly communicate and prioritize the Product Backlog (CORRECT)

18. What are some key skills a successful Scrum Master should have? Select all that apply.

  • Budgeting
  • Coaching (CORRECT)
  • Communication (CORRECT)
  • Leadership (CORRECT)

19. Scrum Teams behave according to what core values? Select all that apply.

  • Dissension
  • Commitment (CORRECT)
  • Respect (CORRECT)
  • Focus (CORRECT)
  • Openness (CORRECT)

20. As a new project begins, the Scrum Team creates processes and structures they believe will help them efficiently complete the project. While they are open to ideas, the team doesn’t want to rely on outside processes to get the work done. Which Development Team trait does this represent?

  • Self-organizing (CORRECT)
  • Cross-organizing
  • Customer-oriented
  • Cross-functional

21. Which of the following are responsibilities that a Product Owner would typically have and a project manager would not have? Select all that apply.

  • Monitor team performance
  • Manage stakeholders
  • Create and communicate Product Backlog items (CORRECT)
  • Timebox management (CORRECT)

22. Fill in the blank: A Scrum Team should be _____, which means people with different skill sets in the organization work together to complete the project successfully.

  • organized
  • decisive
  • self-disciplined
  • cross-functional (CORRECT)

23. What is one difference between a project manager and Scrum Master?

  • The project manager is concerned with the team’s performance, while the Scrum Master is concerned with managing the team’s Backlog.
  • The project manager prepares the work schedule for the team members and assigns responsibilities, while a Scrum Master coaches the team on Scrum and motivates them. (CORRECT)
  • There is no difference between the two.
  • The Scrum Master prepares the work schedule for the team members and assigns responsibilities, while a project manager coaches the team on Scrum and motivates them..

24. What are the benefits of locating a team in the same physical space (also known as co-locating)? Select all that apply.

  • The team collaborates effectively over video conferencing platforms.
  • The team works across time zones by coordinating schedules.
  • The team delivers a higher quality of work at a quicker rate. (CORRECT)
  • The team gets together quickly to get work done or solve a problem. (CORRECT)

25. Which of the following are the pillars of Scrum Theory?

  • Collaboration, transparency, and adaptation
  • Adaptation, introspection, and transparency
  • Transparency, inspection, and adaptation (CORRECT)
  • Introspection, collaboration, and transparency

Correct: The pillars of Scrum Theory are transparency, inspection, and adaptation.

26. Which Scrum value refers to having the grit needed to do the right thing and work on tough problems?

  • Respect
  • Openness
  • Courage (CORRECT)
  • Focus
  • Commitment

Correct: In any project, some work is simple, while other work may be complex and risky. This is where courage comes in. Courage may mean taking on hard tasks, asking for help, or calling out negative behaviors within the team—all of which helps to build team resilience.

27. What are the three roles of every Scrum Team?

  • Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team (CORRECT)
  • Project Manager, Product Team, and Development Team
  • Scrum Master, Product Manager, and Development Team
  • Project Manager, Product Manager, and Product Team

Correct: The three roles of every Scrum Team are Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team.

28. What is the primary responsibility of the Scrum Master?

  • They negotiate contracts with vendors.
  • They work on things like budget management, risk spreadsheets, or GANTT charts.
  • They facilitate Scrum events and coach the Scrum Team. (CORRECT)
  • They facilitate traditional project management-oriented work.

Correct: A Scrum Master’s primary responsibility is to act as a facilitator and coach to the Scrum Team.

29. What are some traits Scrum Masters should possess? Select all that apply.

  • Coding skills
  • Stakeholder management (CORRECT)
  • Facilitation skills (CORRECT)
  • Leadership skills (CORRECT)
  • Organizational skills (CORRECT)
  • Coaching skills (CORRECT)

Correct: Scrum Masters should have stakeholder management skills.

Correct: Scrum Masters should have facilitation skills.

Correct: Scrum Masters should have leadership skills.

Correct: Scrum Masters should have organizational skills.

Correct: Scrum Masters should have Agile coaching skills.

30. Fill in the blank: A Product Owner’s main task is ensuring the team is _____.

  • following directions
  • building the right product or service (CORRECT)
  • staying on task
  • staying on time and on budget

Correct: A Product Owner’s main responsibility is making sure the team is building the right product or service.

31. What are some traits of an effective Product Owner? Select all that apply.

  • Independent
  • Available (CORRECT)
  • Optimistic (CORRECT)
  • Customer-focused (CORRECT)
  • Decisive (CORRECT)
  • Flexible (CORRECT)
  • Collaborative (CORRECT)

Correct: An effective Product Owner should be available.

Correct: An effective Product Owner should be optimistic.

Correct: An effective Product Owner should be customer-focused.

Correct: An effective Product Owner should be decisive.

Correct: An effective Product Owner should be flexible.

Correct: An effective Product Owner should be collaborative.

32. A team member runs into an issue within the project but they aren’t sure how to fix it. They share this problem with the team to ensure everyone is aware of the challenge they encountered.

What core Scrum value is embodied in this scenario?

  • Openness (CORRECT)
  • Respect
  • Commitment
  • Focus

33. What are attributes of a project team that uses Scrum development? Select all that apply.

  • Customer-oriented (CORRECT)
  • Independent
  • Cross-functional (CORRECT)
  • Self-managing (CORRECT)

34. Which two of the following statements regarding a product vision are correct?

  • A product vision tells your team the specific tasks they need to complete.
  • A product vision makes it clear where your team’s boundaries are. (CORRECT)
  • A product vision is a short statement that stays constant throughout the project.
  • A product vision helps your team imagine what the work will be like when they’re done. (CORRECT)

35. Fill in the blank: The Product Owner’s key responsibility is acting as the voice of the _____ within the team.

  • stakeholder
  • vendor
  • organization
  • customer (CORRECT)

36. What are some of the main responsibilities of a Scrum Master? Select all that apply.

  • Minimizes unhelpful interactions or interruptions coming from outside of the team (CORRECT)
  • Facilitates scrum events such as Sprint Retrospectives (CORRECT)
  • Acts as the voice of the customer
  • Coaching team members to use Agile and Scrum practices (CORRECT)

37. Fill in the blank: Product Owners should be _____.

  • customer-focused (CORRECT)
  • meeting-facilitators
  • cross-functional
  • Agile leaders

38. In Scrum, what is the main responsibility of the Development Team?

  • Planning the project
  • What the project mission statement is
  • Determining how a team will deliver a product (CORRECT)
  • Help unblock team obstacles so things can get done

39. In Scrum, which role is responsible for ensuring that the right thing is being built?

  • Development Team
  • Product Owner (CORRECT)
  • Scrum Master
  • Project Manager

40. What are some tasks Product Owners are responsible for? Select all that apply.

  • Deal with vendors and contract negotiations
  • Continuously maximize the value of the product delivered by the Scrum Team (CORRECT)
  • Ensure the the Product Backlog is visible and transparent to all (CORRECT)
  • Ensure the team builds the right product or service (CORRECT)

41. Fill in the blank: In a Scrum team, the Scrum Master often assumes the same responsibilities, and in many ways is similar to the role of the _____.

  • Technical Manager
  • Project Owner
  • Developers
  • Project Manager (CORRECT)

42. As part of the Development Team, Gilly is working on a product feature which requires them to use an unfamiliar programming language. Another team member, Sakira, realizes they can help. Sakira decides to pause their current tasks to help Gilly complete the feature. What core Scrum value does this describe?

  • Respect
  • Courage
  • Commitment (CORRECT)
  • Openness

43. Your Scrum team encounters an issue with the review process that delays feedback to the team. In order to improve the review process, they reduce the deliverables in each review cycle. Which pillar of Scrum does this describe?

  • Malleability
  • Adaptation (CORRECT)
  • Flexibility
  • Transparency

44. Scrum Masters should have which of the following skills? Select all that apply.

  • Programming knowledge
  • Organization (CORRECT)
  • Leadership (CORRECT)
  • Facilitation (CORRECT)

45. Who should be skilled in coaching team members on Scrum theory and application?

  • Product Owner
  • Developers
  • Scrum Master (CORRECT)
  • Project Manager

46. What are the key characteristics of successful Product Owners? Select all that apply.

  • Independent
  • Customer-focused (CORRECT)
  • Optimistic (CORRECT)
  • Collaborative (CORRECT)

47. Which of the following statements regarding a product vision are correct? Select all that apply.

  • A product vision is a short statement that stays constant throughout the project.
  • A product vision tells your team the specific tasks they need to complete.
  • A product vision makes it clear where your team’s boundaries are. (CORRECT)
  • A product vision helps your team imagine what the work will be like when they’re done. (CORRECT)

48. In Scrum, the Development Team should operate in what way?

  • As hierarchical group
  • As a self-organizing group (CORRECT)
  • As self-sufficient individuals
  • As an independent group

49. A Development Team wants to become more effective. They have a tendency to work as individuals even when a team member is stuck on a task. What trait should they improve upon as a team?

  • Supportive (CORRECT)
  • Self-organizing
  • Customer-oriented
  • Cross-functional

50. In Scrum, which role is responsible for the team’s performance and overseeing tasks and progress?

  • Product Owner
  • Scrum Master
  • Development Team
  • Project manager (CORRECT)

51. It is the responsibility of the Scrum Master to facilitate Scrum events which positively impact the team. Which of the following is an example of this?

  • Retrospectives ( CORRECT)
  • Introspectives
  • Performance reviews
  • Sprints

52. Whose needs is the Product Owner responsible for meeting?

  • The customer’s (CORRECT)
  • The Scrum Master’s
  • The developer’s
  • The project manager’s

53. A team member is concerned that the actions of another team member is counterproductive to the Scrum environment. They speak up at the next meeting in order to come to an amicable solution with this team member. What core Scrum value does this describe?

  • Respect
  • Commitment
  • Courage (CORRECT)
  • Focus

54. Which Scrum team role is primarily responsible for reconciling conflict between team members?

  • Product Owner
  • Development Team
  • Scrum Master (CORRECT)
  • Project Owner

55. When using Scrum, the team repeats project processes in a timebox. What Agile term does this approach represent?

  • Iterations (CORRECT)
  • Increments
  • Inspections
  • Increases

56. A Product Owner at your company regularly meets with the team and the stakeholders to ensure that the customer’s needs are being met. What beneficial trait is the Product Owner displaying?

  • Collaboration (CORRECT)
  • Optimism
  • Availability
  • Decisiveness

57. Fill in the blank: The Development Team acknowledges that the best products come from teams who are _____.

  • cross-organizing
  • self-organizing
  • co-located
  • customer-oriented (CORRECT)

Scrum 101 conclusion

We discussed the three pillars of Scrum: transparency, inspection, and adaptation. These pillars work together to uphold the values of Scrum: commitment, focus, openness, respect, and courage. The five roles in a Scrum Team are the Product Owner, the Development Team, the Scrum Master, the stakeholders (customers), and the management (of the product). Each role is important for ensuring that commitments are kept and that everyone is working towards collective success.

That’s it for this module! We hope you’re now equipped with a strong understanding of how to apply Scrum principles in your workplace. If you want to learn more about Scrum or earn a certification, join us at Thanks for learning with us!