Course 1- Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure

Week 7: Applications in The Cloud

Coursera Study Guide

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This section of the course explores containers and how they can be managed with Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine.

Learning Objectives

  • Define the concept of a container and identify uses for containers.
  • Identify the purpose of and use cases for Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine.
  • Identify the purpose of hybrid and multi-cloud computing with Anthos.


1. App Engine is best suited to the development and hosting of which type of application?

  • Applications that require at least one instance running at all times.
  • A web application (Correct)
  • Applications that require full control of the hardware they are running on
  • A long-running batch processing application

2. Which statements are true about App Engine? (Select 2).

  • The daily billing for an App Engine application can drop to zero. (Correct)
  • App Engine charges you based on the resources you pre allocate instead of the resources you use.
  • App Engine manages the hardware and networking infrastructure required to run your code. (Correct)
  • Developers who write for App Engine do not need to code their applications in any particular way to use the service.
  • App Engine requires you to supply or code your own application load balancing and logging services.

3. What are the advantages of using App Engine’s flexible environment instead of its standard environment? (Select 3).

  • You can use SSH to connect to the virtual machines on which your application runs. (Correct)
  • Google provides automatic in-place security patches.
  • Your application can execute code in background threads.
  • Your application can write to the local disk. (Correct)
  • You can install third-party binaries. (Correct)

4. Which Google Cloud service should you choose to perform business analytics and billing on a customer-facing API?

  • Cloud Endpoints
  • Compute Engine API
  • Cloud Run API
  • Apigee Edge (Correct)

5. Select the managed compute platform that lets you run stateless containers through web requests or Pub/Sub events.

  • Cloud Run (Correct)
  • Cloud Source Repositories
  • Cloud Endpoints
  • Apigee Edge

6. Cloud Run can only pull images from:

  • Self-hosted registries
  • Docker Hub
  • Artifact Registry (Correct)
  • GitHub

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