Module 3: Loops


Complete Coursera Study Guide

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Dive into the fascinating realm of loops in Python with this module! Throughout this learning experience, you will delve into the versatility of while loops, understanding how they enable the continuous execution of code. Gain insights into the identification and resolution of infinite loop errors, mastering the art of ensuring your loops run smoothly. Additionally, you will harness the power of for loops to iterate over data sets, discovering the practical application of the range() function in conjunction with for loops. Uncover the nuances of handling common errors associated with for loops and develop the skills to troubleshoot and rectify them effectively.

By the end of this module, you’ll have a robust understanding of both while and for loops, equipping you with valuable tools for efficient and dynamic code execution in Python.

Learning Objectives

  • Implement while loops to continuously execute code while a condition is true
  • Identify and fix infinite loops when using while loops
  • Utilize for loops to iterate over a block of code
  • Use the range() function to control for loops
  • Use nested while and for loops with if statements
  • Identify and correct common errors when using loops


1. In Python, what do while loops do?

  • while loops tell the computer to repeatedly execute a set of instructions while a condition is true. (CORRECT)
  • while loops instruct the computer to execute a piece of code a set number of times.
  • while loops branch execution based on whether or not a condition is true.
  • while loops initialize variables in Python.

Correct. while loops will keep executing the same group of instructions until a specified loop condition stops being true.

2. Which techniques can prevent an infinite while loop? Select all that apply.

  • Change the value of a variable used in the while condition (CORRECT)
  • Use the stop keyword
  • Use the break keyword (CORRECT)
  • Use the continue keyword

Correct. If a numeric variable is used to control the iterations of a while condition, that variable must eventually change to a value that makes the while condition False, otherwise the while loop will keep executing indefinitely.

Correct. The break keyword can stop a while loop. It is often used in the body of a nested if-else conditional statement inside of a while loop. 

3. The following code contains an infinite loop, meaning the Python interpreter does not know when to exit the loop once the task is complete. To solve the problem, you will need to:
Find the error in the code
Fix the while loop so there is an exit condition
Hint: Try running your function with the number 0 as the input and observe the result.
Note that Coursera’s code blocks will time out after 5 seconds of running an infinite loop. If you get this timeout error message, it means the infinite loop has not been fixed.

Hv1DVs 7qvQTgMnABeMWXE4gJP4uRFMnjGjksfOb MNhAZxig1IjBtm0oA912QcymcTeiwpLTfYzXvFETel19 EUqL7UDYMZsnZ Mlk6AKl7y

def is_power_of_two(number):
  # This while loop checks if the "number" can be divided by two
  # without leaving a remainder. How can you change the while loop to
  # avoid a Python ZeroDivisionError?
  while number % 2 == 0:
    if number == 0:
      return False
    number = number / 2
  # If after dividing by 2 "number" equals 1, then "number" is a power
  # of 2.
  if number == 1:
    return True
return False
# Calls to the function
print(is_power_of_two(0)) # Should be False
print(is_power_of_two(1)) # Should be True
print(is_power_of_two(8)) # Should be True
print(is_power_of_two(9)) # Should be False

Awesome! You fixed a tricky error that was hard to find and the function now behaves correctly.

4. Write a function that takes an argument n and returns the sum of integers from 1 to n. For example, if n=5, your function should add up 1+2+3+4+5 and return 15. If n is less than 1, just return 0. Use a while loop to calculate this sum.

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def sum_of_integers(n):
  if n < 1:
    return 0

  i = 1
  sum = 0
  while i<=n:
    sum = sum + i
    i = i + 1

  return sum

print(sum_of_integers(3))  # should print 6
print(sum_of_integers(4))  # should print 10
print(sum_of_integers(5))  # should print 15

Great work! You’ve written a while loop and gotten Python to do the work for you.

5. Fill in the blanks to complete the function, which should output a multiplication table. The function accepts a variable “number” through its parameters. This “number” variable should be multiplied by the numbers 1 through 5, and printed in a format similar to “1×6=6” (“number” x “multiplier” = “result”). The code should also limit the “result” to not exceed 25. To satisfy these conditions, you will need to:
Initialize the “multiplier” variable with the starting value
Complete the while loop condition
Add an exit point for the loop
Increment the “multiplier” variable inside the while loop

B32WsHg2p905VIye3PX9cdzSLmBtMBC0WyjDgs77IMYwnJOQAyZYmYK707EcgGuDAWWPxWvbYpN 622vFmJf LppH4DdcSqiE5C 7h7x50bsENpkgC5LWYVHUQ JWb3N 9cVESlqg2i8Z 4eHnrjLLhYYAqHlQ2o

def multiplication_table(number):
    # Initialize the appropriate variable
    multiplier = 1

    # Complete the while loop condition.
    while multiplier<=5:
        result = number * multiplier 
        if  result > 25:
            # Enter the action to take if the result > 25
        print(str(number) + "x" + str(multiplier) + "=" + str(result))
        # Increment the appropriate variable
        multiplier += 1

# Should print: 
# 3x1=3 
# 3x2=6 
# 3x3=9 
# 3x4=12 
# 3x5=15

# Should print: 
# 5x1=5
# 5x2=10
# 5x3=15
# 5x4=20
# 5x5=25

# Should print:
# 8x1=8
# 8x2=16
# 8x3=24

Correct. You completed the multiplication table with all of the required criteria, and it looks great!


1. How are while loops and for loops different in Python?

  • while loops can be used with all data types; for loops can be used only with numbers.
  • for loops can be nested, but while loops can’t.
  • while loops iterate while a condition is true; for loops iterate through a sequence of elements. (CORRECT)
  • while loops can be interrupted using break; you interrupt for loops using continue.

You got it! You use while loops when you want your code to execute repeatedly while a condition is true, and for loops when you want to execute a block of code for each element of a sequence.

2. Which option would fix this for loop to print the numbers 12, 18, 24, 30, 36?

  • for n in range(6,18,3):
  • for n in range(6,18,3):
  • for n in range(6,18+1,3):
    print(n*2) (CORRECT)
  • for n in range(12,36,6):
  • for n in range(0,36+1,6):

Great job! To include 18 in the range, add 1 to it. The second parameter could be written as 18+1 or 19.

3. Which for loops will print all even numbers from 0 to 18? Select all that apply.

  • for n in range(19)
    if n % 2 == 0:
      print(n) (CORRECT)
  • for n in range(18+1)
  • for n in range(0,18+1,2)
  • for n in range(10):  
    print(n+n) (CORRECT)

Correct! This loop will print all even numbers from 0 to 18. The range of “n” will start at 0 and end at 18 (the end range value of 19 is excluded). The variable  “n” will increment by the default of 1 in each iteration of the loop. The if statement uses the modulo operator (%) to test if the “n” variable is divisible by 2. If true, the if statement will print the value of “n” and exit back into the for loop for the next iteration of “n.”

Correct! This loop will print all even numbers from 0 to 18. The range of “n” will start at 0 and end at 9 (the end range value of 10 is excluded), with “n” incrementing by the default of 1 in each iteration of the loop. The format of (n+n), where n is an integer, is equivalent to the expression (n*2). This expression ensures the resulting integer will be an even number. The last iteration would print the result of the calculation 9+9.

4. Fill in the blanks so that the for loop will print the first 10 cube numbers (x**3) in a range that starts with x=1 and ends with x=10.

CeeNNVdMJKKxJk pmSBcVApbdphvMec5N1X gbKC CGjFKwe6x87QTbcKmmILfMRbb9E OhJl1 NmfhNvVE1lIIgtdanlWYGgoxhzudYD3QNeKMP YYVOPzKQe6pZvqN DaMs7 5BDtu9UajZNQlrl1TQGWO99sw

for x in range(1,11):

Awesome! You’re getting Python to do all the work for you.

6. Which of these options would output just the vowels from the following string? Select all that apply.
input = "Four score and seven years ago"

  • for c in input:
      if c.lower() in [‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘u’]:
        print(c) (CORRECT)
  • print([c for c in input if c.lower() in [‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘u’]]) (CORRECT)
  • print(input.count(“aeiou”))
  • for c in range(len(input)):
      if c in [‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘u’]:

Correct! You can use a for loop to examine each character in the string. Notice that using the function lower() enables you to find both uppercase and lowercase vowels.
Correct! You can use a list comprehension here to gather only the characters that match the conditional expression.

7. Which of these statements is true about slicing strings?

  • The slice() method can be used to slice a string.
  • If the starting index is negative, Python generates a runtime error.
  • If the starting index is negative, Python counts backward from the end of the string. (CORRECT)
  • When slicing a string, you must always provide both the starting and ending indexes.

Correct! You can use negative indexes to quickly extract a slice from the end of a string.


1. What is recursion used for?

  • Recursion is used to create loops in languages where other loops are not available.
  • We use recursion only to implement mathematical formulas in code.
  • Recursion is used to iterate through files in a single directory.
  • Recursion is used to call a function from inside the same function. (CORRECT)

You nailed it! You can call a function inside of itself to iterate over a hierarchy of objects, like directories and subdirectories.

2. Which of these activities are good use cases for recursive programs? Check all that apply.

  • Going through a file system collecting information related to directories and files. (CORRECT)
  • Creating a user account for a new employee.
  • Installing or upgrading software on a computer.
  • Managing permissions assigned to groups inside a company, when each group can contain both subgroups and users. (CORRECT)
  • Checking if a computer is connected to the local network.

Right on! Because directories can contain subdirectories that can contain more subdirectories, going through these contents is a good use case for a recursive program.
You got it! As the groups can contain both groups and users, this is the kind of problem that is a great use case for a recursive solution.

3. Fill in the blanks to make the is_power_of function return whether the number is a power of the given base. Note: base is assumed to be a positive number. Tip: for functions that return a boolean value, you can return the result of a comparison.

27ufuVaVWjM87jYHZnGGcki05qS wqgpc VtdHRBhsxArg a2rZPwjxXOyRat3di s721RybuLethp P4axBUjy esa35Y2UAui8GDWGCG

def is_power_of(number, base):
 # Base case: when number is smaller than base.
    if number < base:
        # If number is equal to 1, it's a power (base**0).
        return number==1

    # Recursive case: keep dividing number by base.
    return is_power_of(number/base, base) 

print(is_power_of(8,2))     # Should be True
print(is_power_of(64,4))    # Should be True
print(is_power_of(70,10))   # Should be False

Nice job! You’ve made the code check for powers of numbers by reducing the problem to a smaller one.

4. Recursion is a process where a function calls itself one or more times with modified values to accomplish a task. This technique can be particularly effective when solving complex problems that can be broken down into smaller, simpler problems of the same type. In the provided code, the count_users function uses recursion to count the number of users that belong to a group within a company’s system. It does this by iterating through each member of a group, and if a member is another group, it recursively calls count_users to count the users within that subgroup. However, there is a bug in the code! Can you spot the problem and fix it?

def count_users(group):
  count = 0
  for member in get_members(group):
    count += 1
    if is_group(member):
      count -= 1
      count += count_users(member)
  return count

print(count_users("sales")) # Should be 3
print(count_users("engineering")) # Should be 8
print(count_users("everyone")) # Should be 18

Well done, you! You spotted the problem that was causing groups to be counted when we only wanted to count users!

5. In the while loops practice quiz, you were asked to write a function to calculate the sum of all positive numbers between 1 and n. Rewrite the function using recursion instead of a while loop. Remember that when n is less than 1, the function should return 0 as the answer.

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def sum_positive_numbers(n):
    if n < 1:
        return 0
    return (n)+(sum_positive_numbers(n-1))

print(sum_positive_numbers(3)) # Should be 6
print(sum_positive_numbers(5)) # Should be 15

Here is your output:

Great work! You’ve really nailed writing recursive functions!

6. Which of the following scenarios would benefit the most from using a recursive function to solve the problem?

  • You need to print out a list of the employees in your company.
  • You need to know how many files are present in a single directory of your computer.
  • You need to create a family tree, showing several generations of your ancestors, with all of their children. (CORRECT)
  • You need to calculate the square root of numbers 1 through 10.

Great job! You’re getting the concept of recursion and when it’s a better solution than the traditional looping techniques.


1. Fill in the blanks to print the even numbers from 2 to 12.

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  • Answer:
number = 2 # Initialize the variable 
while number<=12: # Complete the while loop condition
    print(number, end=" ")
    number = number+2 # Increment the variable

# Should print 2 4 6 8 10 12 

2. Find and correct the error in the for loop.  The loop should print every number from 5 to 0 in descending order.

  • Answer:
for number in range(5,-1,-1):

# Should print:
# 5
# 4
# 3
# 2
# 1
# 0

3. Fill in the blanks to complete the function “digits(n)” to count how many digits the given number has. For example: 25 has 2 digits and 144 has 3 digits. 

Tip: you can count the digits of a number by dividing it by 10 once per digit until there are no digits left.

  • Answer:
def digits(n):
    count = 0
    if n == 0:
      count += 1
    while n>0: # Complete the while loop condition
        # Complete the body of the while loop. This should include 
        # performing a calculation and incrementing a variable in the
        # appropriate order.  
    return count
print(digits(25))   # Should print 2
print(digits(144))  # Should print 3
print(digits(1000)) # Should print 4
print(digits(0))    # Should print 1

4. Fill in the blanks to complete the “sequence” function. This function should print a sequence of numbers in descending order, from the given “high” variable to the given “low” variable.  The range should make the loop run two times. Complete the range sequences in the nested loops so that the “sequence(1, 3)” function call prints the following:

3, 2, 1

3, 2, 1

  • Answer:

uTS2 2RZgj6lblmCgRNKpj25 cDOpB hlgDu7ejWoCLDm9 a1p6AdZZ3 HmMRuF7OTJ3s9 9yYmxsaNVd8tGbtAoOQTVUUoUcHwArvUKKl2dpPAeCBVyCzhYVdbh2 02AtrpOLpaSHb7twnMVQq Wg

  • Answer:
def sequence(low, high):
    # Complete the outer loop range to make the loop run twice
    # to create two rows
    for x in range(2): 
        # Complete the inner loop range to print the given variable
        # numbers starting from "high" to "low" 
        # Hint: To decrement a range parameter, use negative numbers
        for y in range(high,low-1,-1): 
            if y == low:
                # Don’t print a comma after the last item
                # Print a comma and a space between numbers
                print(str(y), end=", ") 

sequence(1, 3)
# Should print the sequence 3, 2, 1 two times, as shown above.

5. Fill in the blanks to complete the “divisible” function. This function should count the number of values from 0 to the “max” parameter that are evenly divisible (no remainder) by the “divisor” parameter. Complete the code so that a function call like “divisible(100,10)” will return the number “10”.

  • Answer:
def divisible(max, divisor):
    count = 0 # Initialize an incremental variable
    for x in range(max): # Complete the for loop
        if x % divisor == 0:
            count += 1 # Increment the appropriate variable
    return count

print(divisible(100, 10)) # Should be 10
print(divisible(10, 3)) # Should be 4
print(divisible(144, 17)) # Should be 9

6. Fill in the blanks to complete the “odd_numbers” function. This function should return a space-separated string of all odd positive numbers, up to and including the “maximum” variable that’s passed into the function. Complete the for loop so that a function call like “odd_numbers(6)” will return the numbers “1 3 5”.

Pe59taZ72selv2ZfMGjD9uC 70BgLzQSj9vEl1sn6IwsOHwLMfDV9hNSdEQ1mgCtIAQlNB9QsNRxKTHF0UL

  • Answer:
def odd_numbers(maximum):
    return_string = "" # Initializes variable as a string

    # Complete the for loop with a range that includes all 
    # odd numbers up to and including the "maximum" value.
    for i in range(1,maximum+1,2): 

        # Complete the body of the loop by appending the odd number
        # followed by a space to the "return_string" variable.
        return_string += str(i) + " "

    # This .strip command will remove the final " " space 
    # at the end of the "return_string".
    return return_string.strip()

print(odd_numbers(6))  # Should be 1 3 5
print(odd_numbers(10)) # Should be 1 3 5 7 9
print(odd_numbers(1))  # Should be 1
print(odd_numbers(3))  # Should be 1 3
print(odd_numbers(0))  # No numbers displayed

7. What happens when the Python interpreter executes a loop where a variable used inside the loop is not initialized?

  • The variable will be auto-assigned a default value of 0
  • Will produce a NameError stating the variable is not defined
  • Will produce a TypeError (CORRECT)
  • Nothing will happen 


8. The following code causes an infinite loop. Can you figure out what is incorrect?

def test_code(num):
  x = num
  while x % 2 == 0:
    x = x / 2

  • Missing an else statement
  • The modulo operator is used incorrectly
  • When called with 0, it triggers an infinite loop (CORRECT)
  • Missing the continue keyword


9. Fill in the blanks to print the numbers 1 through 7.

Zb5ATMK3zhYCKe29tXl4 dAFj2M5d ZTbsQUN7mh56EazOf3W4FdfJZwoH2BI Wr gWNBDYpkCa4nSVZE86OR7pXEq3ISUa4EyjgK3aRA4GdK4SEkFVC49pBMcrhtoXTP8YW09KXr3LrcB6sbVY5lw

  • Answer:
number = 1 # Initialize the variable
while number<8: # Complete the while loop condition
    print(number, end=" ")
    number += 1 # Increment the variable

# Should print 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


10. Find and correct the error in the for loop below.  The loop should check each number from 1 to 5 and identify if the number is odd or even.

bjBIIijwDqKIkXELirDbKvuzzZVOT Qh2WCwTLcV3NENC5YndW9yiJM7yztAV3WxxaqZXeIV2oB5eSjR25a cO3xnWgoWf9vcjWSWlzc7M107MBITpcsmeNIlCjmER1yY

  • Answer:
for number in range(1,6):
    if number % 2 == 0:

# Should print:
# odd
# even
# odd
# even
# odd


11. Fill in the blanks to complete the “rows_asterisks” function. This function should print rows of asterisks (*), where the number of rows is equal to the “rows” variable. The number of asterisks per row should correspond to the row number (row 1 should have 1 asterisk, row 2 should have 2 asterisks, etc.). Complete the code so that “row_asterisks(5)” will print:


* *

* * *

* * * *

* * * * *

RNqM64VwWAZwE8PzOppxjA 3eviWqADxtpzJu l9Q IC1OP 4kRu VB1ySjNOVGzWL3XzHMmB og9cLhMNOpdCX6gqkBgn0gvxOnBpzUj20E1YX2JSBGfHUY2SxL5xMvwiy3DmVFdJ Db19cqFvBw

  • Answer:
def rows_asterisks(rows):
    # Complete the outer loop range to control the number of rows
    for x in range(1,rows+1): 
        # Complete the inner loop range to control the number of 
        # asterisks per row
        for y in range(x): 
            # Prints one asterisk and one space
            print("*", end=" ")
        # An empty print() function inserts a line break at the 
        # end of the row 

# Should print the asterisk rows shown above


12. Fill in the blanks to complete the “counter” function. This function should count down from the “start” to “stop” variables when “start” is bigger than “stop”. Otherwise, it should count up from “start” to “stop”. Complete the code so that a function call like “counter(3, 1)” will return “Counting down: 3, 2, 1” and “counter(2, 5)” will return “Counting up: 2, 3, 4, 5”.

Yr khsRngrqWn6a39oVkSIHEA2C nQK3L 8QcDwzvagEugv qo8IWlq9AjN8WF 5Ik9HYYs2H elKlZobSv mMPi705J5a36hgXV Bs42YZ9ojv0VZdmXGiIwtn EaT1FeF1bh fu7m8ac2tEtgrkQ

  • Answer:
def counter(start, stop):
    if start > stop:
        return_string = "Counting down: "
        while start >= stop: # Complete the while loop
            return_string += str(start) # Add the numbers to the "return_string"
            if start > stop:
                return_string += ","
            start -= 1 # Increment the appropriate variable
        return_string = "Counting up: "
        while start<=stop: # Complete the while loop
            return_string += str(start) # Add the numbers to the "return_string"
            if start < stop:
                return_string += ","
            start += 1 # Increment the appropriate variable
    return return_string

print(counter(1, 10)) # Should be "Counting up: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"
print(counter(2, 1)) # Should be "Counting down: 2,1"
print(counter(5, 5)) # Should be "Counting up: 5"


13. Fill in the blanks to complete the “all_numbers” function. This function should return a space-separated string of all numbers, from the starting   “minimum” variable  up to and including the “maximum” variable that’s passed into the function. Complete the for loop so that a function call like “all_numbers(3,6)” will return the numbers “3 4 5 6”. 

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  • Answer:
def all_numbers(minimum, maximum):

    return_string = "" # Initializes variable as a string

    # Complete the for loop with a range that includes all 
    # numbers up to and including the "maximum" value.
    for number in range(minimum,maximum+1):
       return_string += str(number)
       return_string += ' '

    # This .strip command will remove the final " " space 
    # at the end of the "return_string".
    return return_string.strip()

print(all_numbers(2,6))  # Should be 2 3 4 5 6
print(all_numbers(3,10)) # Should be 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
print(all_numbers(-1,1)) # Should be -1 0 1
print(all_numbers(0,5))  # Should be 0 1 2 3 4 5
print(all_numbers(0,0))  # Should be 0


14. Fill in the blanks to complete the “all_numbers” function. This function should return a space-separated string of all numbers, from the starting   “minimum” variable  up to and including the “maximum” variable that’s passed into the function. Complete the for loop so that a function call like “all_numbers(3,6)” will return the numbers “3 4 5 6”. 


  • Answer:
def all_numbers(minimum, maximum):

    return_string = "" # Initializes variable as a string

    # Complete the for loop with a range that includes all 
    # numbers up to and including the "maximum" value.
    for number in range(minimum,maximum+1):
       return_string += str(number)
       return_string += ' '

    # This .strip command will remove the final " " space 
    # at the end of the "return_string".
    return return_string.strip()

print(all_numbers(2,6))  # Should be 2 3 4 5 6
print(all_numbers(3,10)) # Should be 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
print(all_numbers(-1,1)) # Should be -1 0 1
print(all_numbers(0,5))  # Should be 0 1 2 3 4 5
print(all_numbers(0,0))  # Should be 0


15. What happens when the Python interpreter executes a loop where a variable used inside the loop is not initialized?

  • Will produce a TypeError 
  • Nothing will happen 
  • The variable will be auto-assigned a default value of 0Will produce a NameError stating the variable is not defined (CORRECT)


16. The following code causes an infinite loop. Can you figure out what’s incorrect and how to fix it?

  • Answer:
def count_to_ten():
  # Loop through the numbers from first to last 
  x = 1
  while x <= 10:
    x = 1

# Should print:
# 1
# 2
# 3 
# 4
# 5
# 6
# 7
# 8 
# 9
# 10
  • The “x” variable is initialized using the wrong value
  • Needs to have parameters passed to the function
  • Should use a for loop instead of a while loop
  • Variable “x” is assigned the value 1 in every loop (CORRECT)


17. Find and correct the error in the for loop below.  The loop should print every even number from 2 to 12.

q sSGudNjBrI5ekO7Z ZEhrYE8 BLuY6AD4MHIyDYcSMG93szb14 EM Y7EDV9ZsaHhi2C7fZzHyGDwat3n7e DUKSV4tyvrPIT1AZUGvmjZVrV8aY096oedjBlK1J863YEu79R86uqhdlbi4tdWsg

  • Answer:
for number in range(2,12+1,2):

# Should print:
# 2
# 4
# 6
# 8
# 10
# 12


18. Fill in the blanks to complete the “factorial” function. This function will accept an integer variable “n” through the function parameters and produce the factorials of this number (by multiplying this value by every number less than the original number [n*(n-1)], excluding 0).  To do this, the function should:

  • accept an integer variable “n” through the function parameters;
  • initialize a variable “result” to the value of the “n” variable;
  • iterate over the values of “n” using a while loop until “n” is equal to 0;
  • starting at n-1, multiply the result by the current “n” value;
  • decrement “n” by -1.

 For example, factorial 3 would return the value of 3*2*1, which would be 6.

Qh7vYlWOi4evuHs6Mz2BNEF34FfYcvrTt1gY38slBNHOYod5ox4a qj3CiXsSCYZKWznvGvamRZo9uyTkxbeaWUYHbkXcrs4S 2ceDupT3hxmwo21ghDm6 CtcHnU1sfQSBaRp2 XKnp5y4bClayIA

  • Answer:
def factorial(n):
    result = n
    start = n
    n -= 1
    while n>0: # The while loop should execute as long as n is greater than 0
        result *= n # Multiply the current result by the current value of n
        n -= 1 # Decrement the appropriate variable by -1
    return result

print(factorial(3)) # Should print 6
print(factorial(9)) # Should print 362880
print(factorial(1)) # Should print 1


19. Fill in the blanks to complete the “countdown” function. This function should begin at the “start” variable, which is an integer that is passed to the function,  and count down to 0. Complete the code so that a function call like “countdown(2)” will return the numbers “2,1,0”

fK6xAE i8gUzqP92gT GqI9GJQAlihIUeWQE4jHqumUfZB3PPETH jw VvVC5BYS1TysSfwcue 4EP7NdVa9bLCdrxfNGm5BZ99iN FPscV13XTG8kzdXQQUUGReBzeqSdYFmy4NqIuXPGT

  • Answer:
def countdown(start):
    x = start
    if x > 0:
        return_string = "Counting down to 0: "
        while x>=0: # Complete the while loop
            return_string += str(x) # Add the numbers to the "return_string"
            if x > 0:
                return_string += ","
            x -= 1 # Decrement the appropriate variable
        return_string = "Cannot count down to 0"
    return return_string

print(countdown(10)) # Should be "Counting down to 0: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0"
print(countdown(2)) # Should be "Counting down to 0: 2,1,0"
print(countdown(0)) # Should be "Cannot count down to 0"


20. The following code is supposed to add together all numbers from x to 10.  The code is returning an incorrect answer, what is the reason for this?

x = 1
sum = 5
while x <= 10:
    sum += x
    x += 1
# Should print 55
  • The “sum” variable is initialized with the wrong value (CORRECT)
  • The code is not inside of a function
  • Not incrementing the iterator (x)
  • Should use a for loop instead of a while loop


21. Fill in the blanks to complete the function “even_numbers(n)”. This function should count how many even numbers exist in a sequence from 0 to the given “n”number, where 0 counts as an even number.  For example, even_numbers(25) should return 13, and even_numbers(6) should return 4.

93nnkV koHvkQdQlIm1pM9fAWWDHNTGuxsUoRtHneK6ctG8HaoaB85h0228 391CUIs4XXGPNsDc3I1GZFi8Lpsh6h2bmTm EHvXFA4WV0ksiEnDt9uqgQKPV7sM1fykFj1wLOU1y MZRwUXd1OKHw

  • Answer:
def even_numbers(n):
    count = 0
    current_number = 0
    while current_number<=n: # Complete the while loop condition
        if current_number % 2 == 0:
            count += 1 # Increment the appropriate variable
        current_number += 1 # Increment the appropriate variable
    return count
print(even_numbers(25))   # Should print 13
print(even_numbers(144))  # Should print 73
print(even_numbers(1000)) # Should print 501
print(even_numbers(0))    # Should print 1


22. The following code raises an error when executed. What’s the reason for the error?

def decade_counter():
    while year < 50:
        year += 10
    return year
  • Failure to initialize the variable (CORRECT)
  • Nothing is happening inside the while loop
  • Wrong comparison operator
  • Incrementing by 10 instead of 1


23. The following code causes an infinite loop. Can you figure out what’s missing and how to fix it?

  • Answer:
def count_numbers(first, last):
  # Loop through the numbers from first to last 
  x = first
  while x <= last:

count_numbers(2, 6) 
# Should print:
# 2
# 3
# 4 
# 5
# 6
  • Variable x is not incremented (CORRECT)
  • Missing an if-else block
  • Missing the break keyword
  • Wrong comparison operator is used



In conclusion, this module has provided a thorough exploration of loops in Python, offering a well-rounded understanding of their functionality and applications. You’ve mastered the use of while loops for continuous code execution, and gained proficiency in identifying and resolving potential pitfalls, such as infinite loop errors. The practical application of for loops in iterating over data, coupled with insights into the range() function, has expanded your capabilities in handling structured datasets.

Moreover, the module has equipped you to navigate and troubleshoot common errors associated with for loops, fostering a more robust and error-resistant coding practice. As you move forward, these acquired skills in loop structures will undoubtedly enhance your ability to create efficient and dynamic Python programs.