Course 3 – Operating Systems and You: Becoming A Power User

Week 2: Users and Permissions

Coursera Study Guide


In the second week of this course, we’ll learn about configuring users and permissions in Windows and Linux OS. As an IT Support Specialist, it’s important to know how to grant the appropriate permissions to users and groups for both Windows and Linux OS. By the end of this module, you will know how to add, modify, and remove users for a computer and for specific files and folders by using the Windows GUI, Windows CLI, and Linux shell.

Learning Objectives

  • Grant the appropriate permissions to users and groups.
  • Add, modify and remove users on a computer.
  • Add, modify and remove permissions on files and folders.


1. What are the basic linux file permissions? Check all that apply.

  • Read (CORRECT)
  • Write (CORRECT)
  • Modify
  • Execute (CORRECT)

Great job! The three basic file permissions in Linux are read, write, and execute.

2. You’re given the output of an ls -l of a file in Linux. 

1   ls -l books_file
3   dr-x-wxr--  1 phelan cool_group 0 Aug  20 11:10 books_file

Answer the following question: What does the first character of output signify?

  • books_file is a directory (CORRECT)
  • The file owner has delete permissions
  • books_file is a disk device
  • The file owner is a class D user

Awesome work! The first character in output reflects the type of directory entry; in this case, a directory.

3. You’re given the output of an ls -l of a file in Linux.

1   ls -l books_file
3   dr-x-wxr--  1 phelan cool_group 0 Aug  20 11:10 books_file

Answer the following question: Who does the last trio of bits (r–) in the file permission and attributes refer to?

  • File owner
  • Group file belongs to (CORRECT)
  • Regular file
  • All other users

Great job! The last trio of permission bits refers to the permission of all other users on the machine.

4. You’re given the output of an ls -l of a file in Linux.

1   ls -l books_file
3   dr-x-wxr--  1 phelan cool_group 0 Aug  20 11:10 books_file

Answer the following question: What permissions does the second trio of bits (-wx) give you? Check all that apply.

  • Execute (CORRECT)
  • Read
  • Write (CORRECT)
  • Group file belongs to

Great work! w and x are the write and execute permissions.

5. If I wanted to change permissions of a file called honey_bears, what command could I use to grant write access to the owner of the file without changing other permissions? The owner currently only has read access to the file. Check all that apply.

  • chmod u+w honey_bears  (CORRECT)
  • chmod o+w honey_bears
  • chmod 644 honey_bears
  • chmod 400 honey_bears

You nailed it! You can use the symbolic or numerical form of chmod to modify permissions, but to use the numerical form you need to know what all of the existing permissions are to avoid unintended changes

7. A(n) _____ is a user who has complete control over a machine.

  • local
  • domain
  • standard
  • administrator (CORRECT)

Nice job! Adminstrators are not restricted on a machine; they manage standard users

8. Users that are categorized together by levels of access and permissions are added to _____.

  • groups (CORRECT)
  • directories
  • domains
  • files

You got it! Users with the same access and permission levels can be grouped together for easier maintenance.

9. What’s the name of the first user that gets created on a Linux machine, the OS superuser?

  • admin
  • root (CORRECT)
  • superuser
  • administrator

Wohoo! The first user that gets created on a Linux machine is root.

10. Which special permission bit is used to allow a file to be run as the owner of the file? 

  • SetGID
  • Sticky bit
  • Super bit

Great job! The SetUID bit is used to allow a file to be run as the owner of the file.

11. Which special permission bit is used to allow a file to be written to by anyone, but only removable by the owner or root? 

  • SetUID
  • SetGID
  • Sticky bit (CORRECT)
  • Read

Wohoo! The sticky bit allows the file to be modified by anyone, but only removed by the owner or root.