How a company arranges its employee hierarchy

Course 1- Foundation of Project Management QUIZ ANSWERS

Week 4: Organizational Structure and Culture

Google Project Management: Professional Certificate

Coursera Answers & Study Guide

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Organizational Structure and Culture INTRODUCTION

The Coursera Google Project Management: Professional Certificate offers a comprehensive overview of how organizational structures and cultures impact project management.

Through this program, you will gain insight into various organizational structures—such as matrix, hierarchical, virtual, or flatter organizations—and understand how they affect project outcomes. You will also explore the role of culture in shaping projects and learn how to develop strategies appropriate for different cultural contexts.

Additionally, you will understand how project managers can contribute to the change management process and identify opportunities for improvement. Furthermore, this course helps build your professional network by providing tips and resources on successful job search strategies.

Learning Objectives

  • Define change management and summarize its relationship to the project management role.
  • Define organizational culture and explain how it impacts project management.
  • Identify common types of organizational structures.
  • Define organizational structure and explain how it impacts project management.


1. Which of the following scenarios best describes a Classic structure?

Imagine you work alongside a small group of project managers. One of your current projects shares team members with another, ongoing project. To make sure you hit your next milestone, you want your team members to work only on your project for the next two weeks. You decide to meet with your team to discuss your proposal.

Imagine you work at a small marketing agency, and you have just begun a new project. All of the company’s graphic designers work in the Art department and report to the Art Director. However, two of those graphic designers have been assigned to your project, so they will also report to you while working on the project.

Imagine you are managing an important project at a company that requires all orders to go through its shipping department. However, your project is on a tight schedule, and the shipping department has a backlog of orders. You decide to meet with your direct manager to ask for approval to place the order through a third-party vendor. Ultimately, your direct manager has to meet with a vice president to get final approval. (CORRECT)

Correct: In a Classic organization, project managers are part of a top-down hierarchy and should communicate with their direct managers frequently to keep them informed.

2. Why is it important for a project manager in a Matrix organization to clearly define roles and responsibilities? Select all that apply.

  • Because employees may report to more than one person and have multiple responsibilities across teams (CORRECT)
  • Because project managers can have the same level of authority as functional managers (CORRECT)
  • Because project managers need to identify their single manager or director
  • Because project managers must get approval from their direct superiors for any decisions they make about day-to-day project activities

Correct: In both Classic and Matrix organizations, project managers must clearly define roles and responsibilities in order to work effectively. However, within most Matrix organizations, some project managers may have the same level of authority as the functional managers and operate more directly.

Correct: While it’s always important to define roles and responsibilities clearly, the more complex reporting structure of a Matrix organization makes this task especially crucial. Functional areas tend to cross paths more frequently, and depending on the nature of the work, the responsible manager for each area has the most authority.

3. What are some ways that organizational structure can impact the role of a project manager? Select all that apply.

  • Their possibility of career growth
  • Their level of authority (CORRECT)
  • Their access to resources (CORRECT)
  • Their approach to getting approvals (CORRECT)

Correct: A project manager’s level of authority and responsibility will vary in different organizational structures. In a Classic structure, a project manager might have less authority and a tighter scope. In a Matrix structure, a project manager will have to cooperate with other leaders in their organization and may have less direct authority over their team members.

Correct: Organizational structure may affect how the project manager accesses the people, equipment, and budget that they need. A project manager working in a Classic structure may depend on the functional managers in their organization to approve resources. In a Matrix structure, a project manager may need to share project resources and negotiate priorities with other groups.

Correct: Since Classic structures have a clear chain of command and Matrix structures do not, the process for getting approvals in these organizational structures differs. A project manager in a Classic structure may have to get approval from the appropriate managers, directors, and department heads in order to complete certain tasks. A project manager in a Matrix organization, on the other hand, may have more autonomy to make decisions for the project as needed.

4. What are some key functions of a Project Management Office (PMO)? Select all that apply.

  • Creating project documentation, archives, and tools (CORRECT)
  • Strategic planning and governance (CORRECT)
  • Implementing project management best practices (CORRECT)
  • Managing the organization’s income and expenses

Correct: PMOs invest in and provide templates, tools, and software to help manage projects and help maintain their organization’s project history.

Correct: PMOs define project criteria, select projects according to the organization’s business goals, and provide a business case for those projects to management.

Correct: PMOs share lessons learned from previous successful projects and provide guidance about processes, tools, and metrics to ensure consistency.

5. Which of the following are part of organizational structure? Select all that apply.

  • How the different members of an organization relate to one another
  • How job tasks are divided and coordinated (CORRECT)
  • How the organization reports its earnings

Correct: Organizational structure refers to how the company is organized, who does what, and who reports to whom. Understanding this structure can help you figure out where you fit in!

6. In which of the following ways can organizational structure impact project management? Select all that apply.

  • Resource availability (CORRECT)
  • Project manager authority (CORRECT)
  • Phases of the project life cycle

Correct: An organization’s structure impacts the amount of authority given to the project manager. Authority has to do with the project manager’s ability to make decisions for the project that impact the organization.

Correct: Organizational structure can impact project management through resource availability. Managing a project is a lot easier when the project manager knows how to access the people, equipment, and budget the project needs.


1. Fill in the blank. Organizational culture refers to a company’s _____.

  • stock price and capital
  • values and personality (CORRECT)
  • income and expenditures
  • logo and slogan

Correct: A company’s organizational culture is almost like its corporate personality. It includes the organization’s values, mission, and history.

2. A project manager can learn about an organization’s culture in which of the following ways? Select all that apply.

  • Ask employees about workplace rituals and traditions. (CORRECT)
  • Survey employees on how their personal histories might impact their work.
  • Observe employees within the organization. (CORRECT)
  • Ask management questions to better understand what they expect. (CORRECT)

Correct: You can find out a lot about organizational culture by talking to employees about their experiences. Rituals can be powerful drivers of culture, and considering what current employees share about them will give you great insight.

Correct: Observing other employees can help you get a better sense of the organization’s culture. When working in different geographies, it can also make you aware of established customs like bowing, shaking hands, or wearing head coverings.

Correct: You can find out a lot about organizational culture by talking to managers about their expectations. It can be helpful to ask these questions in the interview phase to better understand the company’s culture before accepting a position.

3. What are three reasons that it is important for project managers to understand a company’s organizational culture?

  • It can help them avoid bumps in the road when their projects disrupt the status quo. (CORRECT)
  • It can affect many aspects of their projects. (CORRECT)
  • It can help them determine if they want to accept a position with the company. (CORRECT)
  • It can help them set an accurate budget.

Correct: Project managers are change agents, so finding out how things have worked in the past can help smooth the way for any changes they propose.

Correct: Asking questions about the organization’s culture in an interview can help a project manager determine whether the position is a good fit for them. It also shows the interviewer that they are knowledgeable about the impact culture can have on a project.

4. Imagine you are interviewing for a project manager role at a local start-up. You are very interested in the work the organization is doing, but you want to find out more about their culture to make sure the position is a good fit. How could you find out more about the organization’s culture? Select all that apply.

  • You could ask your interviewer questions about the organization’s atmosphere, policies, processes, and stories. (CORRECT)
  • You could ask the HR department about the proposed salary for the role.
  • You could ask current employees about their experiences at the company. (CORRECT)
  • You could ask current employees about their employment history at other companies.

Correct: Asking questions about organizational culture during an interview can help you learn if the role is a good fit for you. It can also show the interviewer your awareness of how organizational culture can impact projects.

Correct: Considering how current employees portray the company will give you great insight into the organization’s culture.

5. What can provide clues to an organization’s culture? Select all that apply.

  • Mission (CORRECT)
  • Values (CORRECT)
  • Revenue

Correct: An organization’s mission and values provide clues to its culture. Culture guides what an organization’s people value, how they operate, how they relate to one another, and how they can be expected to perform.


1. What are three core concepts of the change management process?

  • Create a sense of ownership and urgency around the project. (CORRECT)
  • Select the right combination of skills and personalities for the team. (CORRECT)
  • Communicate effectively. (CORRECT)
  • Adopt different change management best practices for each individual project.

Correct: When team members feel a sense of ownership and urgency around a project, it increases interest, motivation, and engagement with the project outcome.

Correct: A project manager should find team members whose knowledge and skills complement one another and get them excited about the project. They can be advocates for change when it’s needed.

Correct: To ensure effective communication with the team and the rest of the organization, the project manager can do three things. First, they can be transparent and up front with plans. Second, they can make information available. Third, they can make sure everyone is kept up-to-date on the project’s progress.

2. Which of the following project outcomes will most likely require change management in the organization? Select all that apply.

  • Kicking off planning for the next quarter
  • Installing new scheduling software on employees’ computers (CORRECT) 
  • Holding an annual meeting for stakeholders
  • Adopting a new supply ordering system (CORRECT)

Correct: Installing new software means that employees will need to adapt to how the software operates. Change management strategies would help support the transition to this new tool.

Correct: Switching to a new system means that employees will need to learn new processes and protocols. Change management strategies would help support the transition to these new processes.

3. Which three best practices can help a project manager approach change management on their projects?

  • Only incorporate change management strategies during the closing phase of the project life cycle.
  • Communicate about upcoming changes. (CORRECT)
  • Use tools to help implement a change. (CORRECT)
  • Practice empathy. (CORRECT)

Correct: Project managers should communicate throughout the project about how the changes will provide a better experience for end users of the project deliverables. This provides everyone with the information they need to feel prepared to adjust to changes once the project is ready to launch.

Correct: Incorporating tools like flowcharts, feedback mechanisms, and culture mapping to assist in the adoption of a change can be very helpful.

Correct: Changes are inevitable, but people are often resistant to them. A project manager can support the process by being empathetic to the challenges and anxiety change can bring.

4. How does an organization align its project governance with its corporate governance? Select all that apply.

  • By considering the long-term and short-term interests of the organization. (CORRECT)
  • By making thoughtful decisions about which projects to take on and avoiding projects if they don’t have sufficient resources. (CORRECT)
  • By avoiding the input of senior stakeholders
  • By providing stakeholders with timely, relevant, and reliable information. (CORRECT)

Correct: Leaders and stakeholders are more likely to support the project if it aligns with the overall interests and objectives of the organization. Good project governance also includes making thoughtful decisions about what projects to start and clear communication with stakeholders.

Correct: An organization should carefully select projects and avoid projects if there are insufficient resources to make them sustainable. Good project governance also includes clear communication with stakeholders and consideration of the long-term and short-term interests of the organization.

Correct: Good project governance supports corporate governance with clear communication and attainable goals. It also involves making thoughtful decisions about what projects to take on and consideration of the long-term and short-term interests of the organization.

5. What is change management?

  • The steps for reinforcing an existing system and keeping the team aligned with it
  • The method of creating a relaxed environment so the team can work with less urgency
  • The method of communicating project outcomes to an organization’s leadership
  • The process of delivering a completed project and getting people to adopt it (CORRECT)

Correct: Change management is the process of delivering a completed project and getting people to adopt it. When project managers understand change management, and their role in the process, it helps to ensure a smooth roll out and easier adoption.


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1. Which of the following refers to how a company arranges its employee hierarchy, divides and coordinates job tasks, and enables members of the organization to relate to one another?

  • Project Management Office (PMO)
  • Matrix organizational structure
  • Organizational structure (CORRECT)
  • Authoritative structure

2. Which of the following refers to an internal group that defines and maintains project standards across the organization?

  • Project Management Office (PMO) (CORRECT)
  • Project Planning Office (PPO)
  • Classic organizational structure
  • Matrix organizational structure

3. How does a company’s organizational structure impact project management?

  • It affects the success of change management and the availability of resources.
  • It affects the project manager’s authority and the success of change management.
  • It affects the project manager’s authority and the availability of resources. (CORRECT)
  • It affects the project’s success rate and a team’s ability to improve.

4. Which of the following concepts are part of organizational culture? Select all that apply.

  • A company’s mission (CORRECT)
  • A company’s history (CORRECT)
  • A company’s stock price
  • A company’s shared values (CORRECT)

5. How can project managers navigate organizational culture while working on projects? Select all that apply.

  • By creating a Project Management Office (PMO)
  • By understanding their impact (CORRECT)
  • By making observations (CORRECT)
  • By asking questions (CORRECT)

6. As a project manager, your team created a more efficient reporting dashboard. Now, you’re trying to get the organization to accept and adopt the new dashboard. What organizational process does this situation represent?

  • Project governance
  • Change management (CORRECT)
  • Change adoptance
  • Project management

7. What questions can project managers ask themselves in order to help manage change effectively? Select all that apply.

  • How will the organization react to change? (CORRECT)
  • Which leaders shouldn’t be informed of the change?
  • Which influencers in the organization can affect the change? (CORRECT)
  • What are the best means of communication to convey the change? (CORRECT)

8. Fill in the blank: A project manager becomes a _____ at a company—someone who helps an organization transform by focusing on organizational effectiveness.

  • contrarian
  • competitor
  • traditionalist
  • change agent (CORRECT)

9. As a project manager, you want to integrate change management into your project. You do this by establishing a change management process early in the project. You also adopt portions of the company’s change management plan so that it aligns with your project. These actions represent which change management best practice?

  • Practice empathy
  • Use tools
  • Follow a consistent process (CORRECT)
  • Communicate about upcoming changes

10. What action should a project manager take to ensure effective project governance?

  • Treat project governance as separate from corporate governance.
  • Take on projects without sufficient resources to push the team beyond their perceived capabilities. (CORRECT)
  • Prioritize governance trends over the organization’s specific needs.
  • Elicit the input of senior stakeholders since they are decision makers. (CORRECT)

11. Define organizational structure.

  • How a company is arranged, how job tasks are divided and coordinated, and how members of the organization relate to one another. (CORRECT)
  • How a company defines its values, how it retains employees, and how teams maintain productivity
  • How a company’s corporate governance functions, how it prioritizes clear and sustainable goals, and how it implements changes
  • How a company sets budgets, documents expenses, and tracks income

12. As a project manager, you believe limited access to the necessary people and equipment could cause the project to go past deadline. Which organizational topic could you discuss with your key stakeholder to get the project back on track?

  • Stakeholder availability
  • Meeting availability
  • Report availability
  • Resource availability (CORRECT)

13. As a project manager, your team created a more efficient reporting dashboard. Now, you’re trying to get the organization to accept and adopt the new dashboard. What organizational process does this situation represent?

  • Project management (CORRECT)
  • Change adoptance
  • Project governance
  • Change management

14. What tools can a project manager incorporate to assist in project adoption? Select all that apply.

  • Culture mapping to illustrate how the company’s values, norms, and employees behavior may be affected by the project (CORRECT)
  • Reporting charts to show the relationships among people and groups within the organization
  • Feedback mechanisms, such as surveys, to capture stakeholder input (CORRECT)
  • Flowcharts to illustrate the project’s development process (CORRECT)

15. As someone interviewing for a project management role, you ask questions about how team members provide feedback, how the company celebrates success, and expectations of risk-taking. Which part of a company’s culture do these questions help you learn more about?

  • Values (CORRECT)
  • Atmosphere
  • Processes
  • Policies

16. As a project manager, you want to integrate change management into your project. You do this by ensuring stakeholders are aware of the upcoming changes. You introduce the deliverable to stakeholders by hosting a demonstration and a question and answer forum. These actions represent which change management best practice?

  • Be proactive (CORRECT)
  • Follow a consistent process
  • Use tools
  • Practice empathy

17. In business, what is the management framework within which decisions are made and accountability is determined?

  • Governance (CORRECT)
  • Change management
  • Organizational culture
  • Agile

18. Which of the following accurately describe how organizational structure impacts project management? Select all that apply.

  • It affects the client’s project satisfaction.
  • It affects the availability of resources that can be devoted to a project. (CORRECT)
  • It affects the project manager’s level of authority and their ability to make decisions that impact the larger organization. (CORRECT)
  • It affects the client’s criteria for success.

19. Which answer best describes a Matrix organizational structure?

  • It includes an internal group that defines and maintains project management standards across the organization.
  • It follows a traditional, top-down reporting structure with a clear chain of command.
  • It has a linear reporting, which is similar to the structure of a military branch.
  • It involves reporting to stakeholders across teams in addition to direct managers. (CORRECT)

20. As a project manager, you believe limited access to the necessary people and equipment could cause the project to go past deadline. Which organizational topic could you discuss with your key stakeholder to get the project back on track?

  • Stakeholder availability
  • Meeting availability
  • Report availability
  • Resource availability. (CORRECT)

21. Why should project managers learn about organizational culture? Select all that apply.

  • So they can manage change effectively. (CORRECT)
  • So they can communicate more effectively with teams. (CORRECT)
  • So they can assign the right number of people to a project
  • So they can demonstrate how a project supports the company’s mission and values. (CORRECT)

22. Which of the following statements is true of the change management process? Select all that apply.

  • It follows Waterfall methodology principles.
  • It includes the successful delivery and adoption of a completed project. (CORRECT)
  • It is the sole responsibility of the project manager.
  • It requires effective communication from the project manager. (CORRECT)

23. What questions can project managers ask themselves in order to help manage change effectively? Select all that apply.

  • Which leaders shouldn’t be informed of the change?
  • How will the organization react to change? (CORRECT)
  • Which influencers in the organization can affect the change?
  • What are the best means of communication to convey the change? (CORRECT)

24. As someone interviewing for a project management role, you ask questions about sick days and vacation, working from home, and if the company supports employees sharing their identity in the workplace. Which part of a company’s culture do these questions help you learn more about?

  • Policies. (CORRECT)
  • Processes
  • Compensation
  • Vision

25. Fill in the blank: Project governance covers _____.

  • roles such as sponsor, stakeholder, project manager, client, and team members
  • phases such as the initiating, planning, executing, and closing of a project
  • decisions such as policies, regulations, functions, processes, and procedures. (CORRECT)
  • documents such as the project charter, project proposal, RACI chart, and project communication plan.

26. Which answer best describes a Classic organizational structure?

  • It refers to the traditional, top-down reporting structure with a clear chain of command. (CORRECT)
  • It allows for easy communication among project teams that sit across different functions.
  • It involves reporting to stakeholders across teams in addition to direct managers.
  • It refers to how a company is arranged, how job tasks are divided and coordinated, and how members of the organization relate to one another.

27. Which of the following refers to a company’s shared values, mission, and history?

  • Project Management Office (PMO)
  • Organizational structure
  • Organizational culture (CORRECT)
  • Change management

28. Which of the following questions can help project managers learn about a company’s organizational culture? Select all that apply.

  • How are projects typically run? (CORRECT)
  • Are there company sanctioned social events? (CORRECT)
  • When was the organization founded?
  • What is the company’s best-selling product/service?

29. What can a project manager do to manage changes effectively and encourage project adoption? Select all that apply.

  • Create a sense of ownership and urgency around the project (CORRECT)
  • Avoid having team members as advocates because they may be too enthusiastic about the project
  • Communicate clearly by being transparent and upfront with their ideas (CORRECT)
  • Encourage supervisors to use their authority to force employee adoption

30. As someone interviewing for a project management role, you want to understand the organizational culture of the company you’re interviewing with. Which of the following questions could help you learn about the atmosphere at the company? Select all that apply.

  • What are some of the ways the company celebrates success? (CORRECT)
  • How do managers support and motivate their team? (CORRECT)
  • What is the average salary for the company’s project managers?
  • What is the company’s dress code? (CORRECT)

31. As a project manager, you want to integrate change management into your project. Which of the following questions will help you understand how to do so? Select all that apply.

  • What management practices will lead to the successful implementation of my project? (CORRECT)
  • What other products are available to achieve the goals of my project?
  • What are the best means of communication for informing people about my product? (CORRECT)
  • What is the timeline for implementing my project?

32. Fill in the blank: _____ is the framework by which an organization achieves its goals and objectives.

  • Project governance
  • Corporate vision
  • Corporate governance (CORRECT)
  • Organizational structure

33. Fill in the blank: An organization’s structure is most commonly mapped out using a _____ .

  • top-down hierarchy
  • personnel chart
  • communication roadmap
  • reporting chart (CORRECT)

34. You have started a new job at a company where project managers often have the same level of authority as functional managers. Which of the following best describes the organizational structure at your company?

  • Classic structure
  • Functional structure
  • Matrix structure (CORRECT)
  • PMO structure

35. Fill in the blank: An organization’s culture provides context and acts as a guide for what their people value, how they operate on a daily basis, how they relate to one another, and how they can be expected to perform. In other words, organizational culture can be thought of as the company’s _____ .

  • Personality (CORRECT)
  • goals
  • strengths
  • structure

36. Which of the following change management tools are designed to visualize your project’s development process?

  • Feedback mechanisms
  • Scatter Plots
  • Flowcharts (CORRECT)
  • Culture mapping

37. Which of the following accurately describes how organizational structure impacts project management? Select all that apply.

  • It affects the client’s criteria for success.
  • It affects the client’s project satisfaction.
  • It affects the project manager’s level of authority and their ability to make decisions that impact the larger organization. (CORRECT)
  • It affects the availability of resources that can be devoted to a project. (CORRECT)

38. Which of the following concepts is a defining part of organizational culture?

  • A company’s mission (CORRECT)
  • A company’s revenue
  • A company’s schedule and plans
  • A company’s location

39. Which questions can help project managers learn about a company’s organizational culture? Select all that apply.

  • How much revenue did the organization earn last year?
  • How do employees prefer to communicate? (CORRECT)
  • Which style of project management does the company use? (CORRECT)
  • What kind of benefits do employees receive?

40. Which of the following best describes an example of successful change management?

  • Your team is selected to implement a key project for your company’s Office of Procurement.
  • HR adopts the new onboarding process that your project team was tasked to develop. (CORRECT)
  • Your company is restructuring and you have been chosen to manage a key project.
  • Your team develops software that meets the success criteria presented to you by your company’s CFO.

41. As a project manager, you want to integrate change management into your project. Which of the following tools could you use to help people adopt a change? Select all that apply.

  • Feedback mechanisms (CORRECT)
  • Task tracking
  • Culture mapping (CORRECT)
  • Scatter charts

42. Fill in the blank: _____ is the framework for how project decisions are made.

  • Corporate vision
  • Project governance (CORRECT)
  • Organizational structure
  • Corporate governance

43. Which main function of a PMO involves training employees about optimal approaches and best practices?

  • Resource management
  • Productivity assessment 
  • Strategic planning and governance 
  • Common project culture (CORRECT)

44. Which term refers to the delivery of a completed project and its successful adoption by an organization?

  • Project management
  • Project governance
  • Change management (CORRECT)
  • Change governance

45. Which of the following are part of organizational structure? Select all that apply.

  • How the organization reports its earnings
  • How the different members of an organization relate to one another (CORRECT)
  • How job tasks are divided and coordinated (CORRECT)
  • How members of an organization are compensated

46. Which of the following concepts is a defining part of organizational culture?

  • A company’s shared values (CORRECT)
  • A company’s structure, hierarchy, and goals
  • A company’s income and expenses
  • A company’s products and services

47. Which of the following questions can help project managers learn about a company’s organizational culture? Select all that apply.

  • What kind of benefits do employees receive?
  • What is the benchmark salary for people performing this project role?
  • What kinds of rituals are in place when someone new comes to the office? (CORRECT)
  • How are decisions made, majority vote or top down approvals? (CORRECT)

48. Which of the following change management tools are designed to illustrate how the company’s values, norms, and employees behavior may be affected by change?

  • Culture mapping (CORRECT)
  • Feedback mechanisms
  • Valuation metrics
  • Flowcharts

49. As someone interviewing for a project management role, you want to understand the organizational culture of the company you’re interviewing with. Which of the following questions could help you learn about the company’s policies? Select all that apply.

  • What will be the average age of your project team members?
  • What are appropriate ways for employees to share their identity in the workplace? (CORRECT)
  • Does the company allow employees to work from home? (CORRECT)
  • What are the company’s mission and value statements?

50. As a project manager, you want to integrate change management into your project. To prepare for the adoption of your recommended changes and to gather information, you incorporate surveys, flowcharts, and culture mapping. These actions represent which change management best practice?

  • Practice empathy
  • Consider the trends
  • Use tools (CORRECT)
  • Follow a consistent process

51. When working in different geographies, why is awareness of established customs important for understanding organizational culture?

  • It can lead to product innovation.
  • It will impress your superiors.
  • It can help you form respectful relationships. (CORRECT)
  • It can help you feel more comfortable.

52. Which of the following change management tools are designed to visualize your stakeholder input?

  • Feedback mechanisms (CORRECT)
  • Flowcharts
  • A scatter plot
  • Culture mapping

53. Which of the following refers to the council that helps project managers make and approve strategic decisions that affect both the company and the project?

  • Office of legal affairs
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Steering committee (CORRECT)
  • Stakeholder

54. Which of the following are part of organizational structure? Select all that apply.

  • How members of an organization are compensated
  • How the organization reports its earnings
  • How job tasks are divided and coordinated (CORRECT)
  • How the different members of an organization relate to one another (CORRECT)

55. Which of the following are ways that organizational structure determines your role as a project manager? Select all that apply.

  • Organizational structure determines your career growth
  • Organizational structure determines how frequently to communicate (CORRECT)
  • Organizational structure determines where you fit in (CORRECT)
  • Organizational structure determines who you should communicate with (CORRECT)

56. Which of the following terms best describes the first step to your project having the desired impact once it goes live?

  • Deliverable
  • Launch
  • Success criteria
  • Adoption (CORRECT)

Organizational Structure and Culture conclusion

In this course, you learned about common organizational structures and how they impact project management, how organizational culture impacts project management, and how a project manager contributes to the change management process.

You also had the opportunity to develop your strategy and professional network to help you prepare for your job search. Now that you have completed the course, we encourage you to join us in so that you can continue learning and expanding your skill set.