wbs diagram and spreadsheet

Course 3 – Project Planning: Putting It All Together QUIZ ANSWERS

Week 1: Beginning the Planning Phase

Google Project Management: Professional Certificate

Coursera Answers & Study Guide

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Beginning the Planning Phase INTRODUCTION

Coursera’s Google Project Management: Professional Certificate provides a comprehensive overview of the planning phase. This week, you will learn how Coursera structures its courses, the advantages of having a plan in place, and the important components that make up the planning stage. Additionally, you will gain insight into the difference between tasks and milestones and how to set effective milestones. By the end of this module, you should be able to create an actionable plan for any project confidently as well as how WBS diagram and spreadsheet help you to develop and launch the operations and training program.

You’ll start by exploring Coursera’s course structure and why it benefits learners. Then you will dive deeper into a plan and its key elements. After that, we’ll look at the different long—term and short-term plans and their potential uses.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the Project Management Certificate program structure and course functionality.
  • Explain why milestones are important and how to set them.
  • Explain the difference between tasks and milestones and how they are related.
  • Describe the components of the planning phase and their significance.


1. Which three of the following are benefits of project planning?

  • It helps individuals assigned to your project become a strong team by working together. (CORRECT)
  • It gives you time to identify and prepare for risks that could impact your project. (CORRECT)
  • It helps you brainstorm preliminary goals for the project.
  • It helps you map out the full project. (CORRECT)

Correct: Planning together creates a shared understanding among all parties involved in the project. It prepares everyone for the teamwork that will be necessary when the planning is done and the work starts. It also helps you map out the full project and gives you time to identify risks.

Correct: Planning can help you identify and prepare for things like a delay in the timeline, the departure of a critical team member, or a change in project direction from a primary stakeholder. It also gives you the chance to brainstorm ways to mitigate or address those risks. Additionally, it helps you map out the full project and helps individuals assigned to the project become a strong team.

Correct: Planning helps you understand the work needed to achieve your goals. Planning also helps coordinate efforts and timelines with other teams, contractors, and vendors. It also gives you time to identify project risks and create a shared understanding among all parties involved in the project.

2. What are three major project components that are worked out during the planning phase?

  • Project tracking, quality management, and retrospectives
  • Success criteria, stakeholders, and resources
  • Schedule, budget, and risk management plan (CORRECT)
  • Scope, goals, and deliverables

Correct: During the planning phase, you determine the project’s schedule, budget, and risk management plan. The schedule is a timeline of the project. The budget accounts for the total cost to complete the project. And the risk management plan involves searching for possible problems and planning ahead to mitigate these risks.

3. During the kickoff meeting, which agenda item involves discussing how the project came to be and why the project matters?

  • Roles
  • Background (CORRECT)
  • Collaboration
  • Goals and scope

Correct: Towards the beginning of the kickoff meeting, you should spend around five minutes discussing the details of the project and its shared vision.

4. Which of the following are best practices when you are leading a kickoff meeting? Select all that apply.

  • Share the agenda. (CORRECT)
  • Take your own thorough notes.
  • Follow up after the meeting. (CORRECT)
  • Set the right time. (CORRECT)

Correct: Prior to the meeting, share the agenda with attendees via email and identify speakers for each topic. By sending the agenda in advance, everyone will have an idea of what to expect, time to prepare for anything they need to present or discuss, and time to generate questions or ideas. Other best practices include: Set the right time and length; invite the right people; stick to the agenda; and follow up after the meeting.

Correct: After the meeting, send out a meeting summary featuring the meeting notes and any action items. Other best practices include: Set the right time and length; invite the right people; designate a notetaker; and set, share, and stick to the agenda.

Correct: Choose a meeting time that works for everyone. Be mindful of time zone differences. Other best practices include: Invite the right people; designate a notetaker; set, share, and stick to the agenda; and follow up after the meeting.

5. Which planning phase component includes the total cost to complete the project?

  • Risk management
  • Budget (CORRECT)
  • Schedule

Correct: Often, the project manager breaks down the project’s total cost to determine how much will be spent on different elements of the project.

6. What is the purpose of a project kick-off meeting? Select all that apply.

  • Align on the scope (CORRERCT)
  • Build team rapport (CORRECT)
  • Set the budget
  • Establish a shared vision (CORRECT)

Correct: A project kick-off meeting is the formal start to project planning. It is the first meeting in which a project team comes together to establish a shared vision, align on the scope, and build team rapport.

7. How can setting milestones help you keep your project on track?

  • When you set a milestone, you illustrate real progress to your project stakeholders.
  • When you set a milestone, you assess what went well with the project and what processes could be improved.
  • When you set a milestone, you assign clear deadlines for when certain project deliverables need to be completed. (CORRECT)
  • When you set a milestone, you assign team members to take ownership of specific tasks.

Correct: When you set milestones, you assign clear deadlines for certain project deliverables. You can track these deadlines as your project progresses to ensure it is moving forward at the right pace. This helps you keep your project on track.

8. Which tool sorts project milestones and tasks into the order they need to be completed?

  • Work breakdown structure (WBS) (CORRECT)
  • Chat software
  • Email

Correct: Project managers often use WBS because it breaks down the intimidating challenges of a project into more manageable chunks. WBS creates a clear relationship between milestones and relevant tasks.

9. Which software can help you manage tasks for your project?

  • Slack
  • Google Slides
  • Asana (CORRECT)

Correct: Asana is a tool that some project managers at Google use to assign tasks to teammates and help organize a project.


1. How do your WBS diagram and spreadsheet help you to develop and launch the Operations and Training program for Plant Pals?

  • Clarify the tasks the team needs to accomplish to achieve project milestones. (CORRECT)
  • Lay out the project’s costs in detail, so you don’t exceed your budget
  • Help you recruit team members with the right skills for the project
  • Let customers know what to expect from the new service

Correct: A WBS diagram and spreadsheet help to break down large milestones into manageable tasks that individual team members can own.

2. Which team member did you assign to own the task, “supervise vendor installation of fulfillment equipment”?

  • The Financial Analyst
  • The Training Manager
  • The Fulfillment Director (CORRECT)
  • The HR Specialist

Correct: The Fulfillment Director ensures equipment is functional, so they should supervise the installation.

3. Which team member did you assign to own the task, “train employees to use the software and equipment”?

  • The Quality Assurance Tester
  • The Fulfillment Director
  • The Training Manager (CORRECT)
  • The HR Specialist

Correct: The Training Manager runs the training program on the established protocols.

4. Which of the following additional tasks are appropriate for the “establish a plant delivery and logistics plan” milestone? Select all that apply.

  • Hire warehouse employees to pack shipments. (CORRECT)
  • Source a vendor for additional types of plants
  • Set customer service protocols
  • Purchase delivery trucks. (CORRECT)

Correct: Warehouse employees package shipments for delivery, so hiring them is an appropriate task.

Correct: Since you plan to hire delivery drivers, purchasing trucks is an appropriate task.


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Project Planning: Putting It All Together Weekly Challenge 1

1. Generally, how long should the kick-off meeting last?

  • Two-hours, and extend if attendees have questions
  • Less than 20 minutes
  • About one hour (CORRECT)
  • One full work day

2. Before starting the planning phase, you complete the initiation phase. What steps do stakeholders or the clients take during the initiation phase?

  • Stakeholders assign a project manager, review risk management tools, and approve the budget.
  • Stakeholders assign a project manager, approve goals, determine the scope and deliverables, and approve the project charter. (CORRECT)
  • Stakeholders assign a project manager, select the tools to manage the project, view meeting notes, and approve the budget.
  • Stakeholders assign a project manager, determine the scope and deliverables, and select the team.

3. During the project planning phase which of the following occur?

  • The project manager creates the schedule, budget, and risk management plan (CORRECT)
  • The client reviews the project plans for approval
  • The project manager completes a plan, then puts it away until the project closing phase
  • The client selects which vendors work on the project

4. Suppose as a project manager, you notice that a new government regulation may add additional tasks to the project. You bring your concern about this new regulation to the stakeholders for a discussion on how to mitigate its impacts. What component of the planning phase does this situation represent?

  • Risk management (CORRECT)
  • Schedule
  • Budget
  • Task management

5. Suppose that as a project manager you’re running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you discuss the project plan software the team will be using, which is Google Sheets. You also discuss how the team will communicate with each other, which includes a team chat and weekly check-in meetings. What agenda section does this represent?

  • Background
  • Goals and scope
  • Roles
  • Collaboration (CORRECT)

6.1. Suppose as a project manager, you’re running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you present the shared project tools and documents. You also tell the team they will communicate through a team chatroom and will receive daily email updates. What agenda item does this represent?

  • Project purpose
  • Intended outcome
  • Collaboration (CORRECT)
  • Scope

6.2. Suppose that as a project manager, you’re running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you give examples of tasks that you consider part of the project, and tasks you consider not part of the project. What agenda section does this represent?

  • Background
  •  Roles
  • Questions
  • Goals and scope (CORRECT)

7. Fill in the blank: Reaching a project milestone is an important point within the project schedule that indicates progress and usually signifies the _____ of a deliverable or phase of the project.

  • goals
  • completion (CORRECT)
  • time
  • scope

8. Suppose that as a project manager you had a goal of publishing a report. Which of the following would you consider the milestone for this goal?

  • Interview a writer
  • Draft sections of the report
  • Complete first draft of report (CORRECT)
  • Conduct research

9. As a project manager, what is your first step when setting milestones?

  • Assign deadlines
  • Have a team meeting
  • Review the project as a whole (CORRECT)
  • Consider the needs of your stakeholders

10. What are two benefits of making a work breakdown structure (WBS)?

  • You can get a sense of each stakeholder’s workload.
  • You and your teammates can easily identify the tasks you assigned to each milestone. (CORRECT)
  • You can assign tasks to two or more team members.
  • You have a visualization tool that assists in assigning tasks. (CORRECT)

11. Fill in the blank: _____ is the method where a project manager reviews all individual tasks and rolls the tasks into manageable chunks that lead to a milestone.

  • Goal scheduling
  • Bottom-up scheduling (CORRECT)
  • Team scheduling
  • Top-down scheduling

12. Which of the following are important to understand in the planning phase? Select all that apply.

  • Customer feedback
  • Schedules (CORRECT)
  • Risk management (CORRECT)
  • Budgets (CORRECT)

13. Fill in the blank: After the stakeholders assign the project manager, the goals of the project have to be approved, as well as the scope of the project and its _____.

  • tools
  • vendors
  • deliverables (CORRECT)
  • manager

14. As a project manager, you’re trying to take all the right steps to prepare for the project. What steps should you take? Select all that apply.

  • Coordinate the current budget to match other project budgets.
  • Understand the work the team needs to do to achieve their goals. (CORRECT)
  • Identify and prepare for risks that could impact the project. (CORRECT)
  • Form the project plan with the team so they have a shared understanding of the project. (CORRECT)

15. Suppose that as a project manager you’re running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you spend about ten minutes to set expectations for the team and the next steps they should take. What agenda item does this represent?

  • Background
  • Roles
  • What comes next (CORRECT)
  • Introductions

16. Suppose as a project manager, you’re leading a kick-off meeting. One of the discussions is taking longer than you expect. How do you get the meeting back on track?

  • Let the speaker finish and schedule another meeting without any discussions.
  • Ask the speaker to finish their point and require everyone else to have a 60-second speaking limit.
  • Tell specific team members they’ll have to wait until the next meeting to speak.
  • Remind attendees of the agenda and the meeting end time. (CORRECT)

17. What are the benefits of setting milestones? Select all that apply.

  • Setting milestones encourages you to take time away from the project for new ideas.
  • Setting milestones helps you keep your project on track with clear deadlines for when to complete deliverables. (CORRECT)
  • Setting milestones helps you to figure out if you need to adjust your scope, timelines, or resources to meet your goals. (CORRECT)
  • Breaking down information into milestones gives you a better idea of the amount of work that needs to be done. (CORRECT)

18. When creating milestones as a project manager, what should you avoid? Select all that apply.

  • Using milestones as tasks because milestones should represent big moments in time and tasks are how to get there (CORRECT)
  • Having no milestones because tasks are all you need to complete the project (CORRECT)
  • Setting too many milestones because you want to appear ambitious to stakeholders (CORRECT)
  • Managing your milestones in one project management tool to stay organized

19.  Fill in the blank: During the planning phase of a project, you take steps that help you _____ to achieve your project goals.

  • understand the work you need to do (CORRECT)
  • analyze customer feedback
  • avoid stakeholder input
  • depart from the current timeline

20. Suppose as a project manager, you’re running a kick-off meeting. You accurately define what work is and is not included in the project. What agenda item does this represent?

  • Scope (CORRECT)
  • Roles
  • Intended outcome
  • Project purpose

21. As a project manager, you’re explaining to your team the difference between a milestone and a task. How would you explain a task to the team?

  • Tasks are milestones with a flexible finish date.
  • Tasks are milestones that are shorter to complete.
  • Tasks are activities to finish in a set period of time that help reach a milestone. (CORRECT)
  • Tasks are activities that have a flexible finish date because milestones often change.

22. Imagine that you’re a project manager trying to complete a website design. What three activities might be tasks that must be accomplished to complete the project?

  • Implement feedback by the designer (CORRECT)
  • Test the website for usability (CORRECT)
  • Host a check-in meeting with the team
  • Create initial mock-ups of the website (CORRECT)

23. Project managers should follow which three best practices when assigning tasks to complete milestones?

  • Add an assignee and due date to each task. (CORRECT)
  • Balance the workload of tasks between teammates. (CORRECT)
  • Consider teammates’ familiarity with the tasks. (CORRECT)
  • Assign deadlines to tasks, but not milestones.

24. Suppose as a project manager, you have multiple team members working on similar tasks. How would you decide who should work on what tasks?

  • Ask the person with the most seniority what task they would like to work on
  • Assign tasks based on who is available at that moment
  • Assign the newest team member the easiest task
  • Learn about the team members’ backgrounds and who is familiar with the different types of tasks (CORRECT)

25. What are the benefits of the project planning phase? Select all that apply

  • Identify and prepare for risks (CORRECT)
  • Keep teammates from communicating to avoid groupthink when brainstorming ideas.
  •  Coordinate efforts and timelines with other teams. (CORRECT)
  •  Understand the work the team needs to do to achieve their goals (CORRECT)
  •  Get buy-in from key members of the project team (CORRECT)

26. Fill in the blank: When creating a work breakdown structure (WBS), a project manager should focus on _____ rather than actions.

  • timeline
  • stakeholder needs
  • teammate strengths
  • deliverables (CORRECT).

27. Which of the following would you consider a project milestone?

  • Web designer implements feedback
  • Web designer creates a proposal
  • Client approves website design (CORRECT).
  • Project manager reviews mock-ups

28. Which of the following is a primary benefit of planning in project management?

  • It helps team members decide the budget of the project.
  • It allows stakeholders to pick and choose team members they want to work with.
  • It allows stakeholders to add more features and tasks.
  • It helps the project manager understand the work needed to achieve the goal. (CORRECT)

29. As a project manager, you notice that a new government regulation may add additional tasks to the project. You bring your concern about the new regulation to the stakeholders for a discussion on how to lessen its impacts. What component of the planning phase does this situation represent?

  • Risk management (CORRECT)
  • Schedule
  • Budget
  • Task management

30. As a project manager, you facilitate a kick-off meeting. You introduce the target launch date and walk through the project milestones. Where on the agenda would this be?

  • Roles
  • Collaboration
  • Goals and Scope (CORRECT)
  • Questions

31. Fill in the blank: Reaching a project milestone is an important point within the project schedule. It indicates progress and usually signifies the _____ of a deliverable or phase of the project.

  • time
  • goals
  • Completion (CORRECT)
  • scope

32. Imagine that you are a project manager trying to complete a website design. What activities might be tasks that must be accomplished to complete the project? Select all that apply.

  • Test the website for usability. (CORRECT)
  • Host a check-in meeting with the team.
  • Implement feedback by the designer. (CORRECT)
  • Create initial mock-ups of the website. (CORRECT)

33. What are the benefits of making a work breakdown structure (WBS)? Select all that apply.

  • You can get a sense of each stakeholder’s workload.
  • You and your teammates can easily identify the tasks you assigned to each milestone. (CORRECT)
  • You have a visualization tool that assists in assigning tasks. (CORRECT)
  • You can assign tasks to two or more team members.

34. In the project planning phase, what type of meeting is the first meeting among the project team, stakeholders, and the project sponsor?

  • A stakeholder approval meeting
  • A milestone planning meeting
  • A team reflection meeting
  • A project kick-off meeting (CORRECT)

35. As a project manager, you think about where your budget might exceed estimates and how the project might get off track. Which project planning component are you implementing?

  • Risk reviews
  • Project schedule
  • Risk management plan (CORRECT)
  • Project budget plan

36. As a project manager, you facilitate a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you introduce what work each person on the team is responsible for. Where on the agenda should this be?

  • Roles (CORRECT)
  • Background
  • Introduction
  • Questions

37. As a project manager, you facilitate a kick-off meeting. You introduce the target launch date and walk through the project milestones. Where on the agenda would this be? 

  • Roles
  • Collaboration
  • Goals and Scope (CORRECT)
  • Questions

38. As a project manager, you are explaining to your team the difference between a milestone and a task. How would you explain a task to the team?

  • Tasks are activities to finish in a set period of time that help reach a milestone. (CORRECT)
  • Tasks are milestones with a flexible finish date.
  • Tasks are activities that have a flexible finish date because milestones often change.
  • Tasks are milestones that are shorter to complete.

39. What steps should you take to set proper deadlines for your milestones?

  • Schedule deadlines for the milestones to account for the budget.
  • Connect with teammates to discuss the tasks required for the milestone. (CORRECT)
  • Assign milestones to be completed in week-long increments.
  • Assign as many tasks as you can for each milestone to impress stakeholders.

40. What different components make up a work breakdown structure (WBS)?

  • One list of all the tasks to complete on a project
  • A document of all the work assigned to team members along with stakeholders’ comments
  • Milestones and tasks for the project organized in a hierarchy (CORRECT)
  • List of details on a project with team member feedback

41. Which of the following are important to understand during the planning phase? Select all that apply.

  • Risk management (CORRECT)
  • Schedules (CORRECT)
  • Budgets (CORRECT)
  • Customer feedback

42. You review the tasks for the project and set dates to begin the project, site launch, and gather user feedback. Which of the following components of the planning phase does this update?

  • Budget
  • Task management
  • Risk management
  • Schedule (CORRECT)

43. As a project manager, you facilitate a kick-off meeting. You leave 15 minutes at the end of the meeting to allow team members to gain more clarity and provide their thoughts on the project. Where on the agenda would this be?

  • Questions (CORRECT)
  • Introduction
  • Roles
  • Collaboration

44. As a project manager, you facilitate a kick-off meeting. What is a step you can take to ensure all the details are stated in your notes?

  • Take notes to the best of your ability and capture what you can in the summary.
  • Ask team members to speak more slowly so you can write down all notes.
  • Ask team members to repeat parts of what you missed in your notes.
  • Ask a team member to take notes on key points and action items. (CORRECT)

45. As a project manager in the planning phase, you have created a project schedule and accounted for the total costs. What is the third major planning component you will create?

  • A feedback form
  • A work breakdown structure
  • A team performance chart
  • A risk management plan (CORRECT)

46. You are in the planning phase and need to track the start date with web designers, web developers, and vendors. What component contains this information?

  • The project schedule (CORRECT)
  • The project budget plan
  • The team reviews
  • The time management plan

47. Suppose that as a project manager, you’re running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you spend about ten minutes to set expectations for the team and the next steps they should take. What agenda item does this represent?

  • Roles
  • Introductions
  • What comes next (CORRECT)
  • Background

48. Suppose as a project manager, you’re leading a kick-off meeting. One of the discussions is taking longer than expected. How do you get the meeting back on track?

  • Tell specific team members they’ll have to wait until the next meeting to speak.
  • Remind attendees of the agenda and the meeting end time. (CORRECT)
  • Ask the speaker to finish their point and require everyone else to have a 60-second speaking limit.
  • Let the speaker finish and schedule another meeting without any discussions.

49. You create deadlines for each milestone on a project. You have met with team members to get an estimate of how long it will take to complete tasks. What is another important consideration when you are setting deadlines?

  • Team members’ interest
  • The team’s performance reviews
  • The needs of your stakeholders (CORRECT)
  • Your teammates’ skill sets

50. During the project planning phase, which of the following occur?

  • The project manager completes a plan, then puts it away until the project closing phase.
  • The client reviews the project plans for approval.
  • The client selects which vendors work on the project.
  • The project manager creates the schedule, budget, and risk management plan. (CORRECT)

51. As a project manager, you try to take all the right steps to prepare for the project. What steps should you take? Select all that apply.

  • Coordinate the current budget to match other project budgets.
  • Identify and prepare for risks that could impact the project. (CORRECT)
  • Form the project plan with the team so they have a shared understanding of the project. (CORRECT)
  • Understand the work the team needs to do to achieve their goals. (CORRECT)

52. Suppose that as a project manager, you’re running a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you discuss the project plan software the team will be using, which is Google Sheets. You also discuss how the team will communicate with each other, which includes a team chat and weekly check-in meetings. What agenda section does this represent?

  • Collaboration (CORRECT)
  • Goals and scope
  • Background
  • Roles

53. As a project manager, you notice a specific milestone has a high number of tasks that may cause the team to miss a deadline. What is a reasonable course of action to adjust the milestone?

  • Meet with stakeholders to present the milestone and adjust the scope and tasks. (CORRECT)
  • Monitor the timeline closely during the execution phase of the project.
  • Meet with all team members to decide who can take on more tasks.
  • Adjust the deadline of the project deliverables before reviewing them with team members.

54. When assigning tasks to team members, what factors should you mainly consider? Select all that apply.

  • Overall workload (CORRECT)
  • Task interest
  • Task novelty
  • Project timeline (CORRECT)

55. What items do stakeholders need to approve before the planning phase can begin? Select all that apply.

  • Project goals (CORRECT)
  • Project deliverables (CORRECT)
  • Project name
  • Project scope (CORRECT)

56. Which of the following would be considered a project milestone?

  • Write a paragraph for project proposal
  • Deliver a first draft of a manuscript (CORRECT)
  • Fix a bug recorded from user testing
  • Schedule time with the team to review tasks

57. Project managers should follow which three best practices when assigning tasks to complete milestones? Select all that apply.

  • Add an assignee and due date to each task. (CORRECT)
  • Balance the workload of tasks between teammates. (CORRECT)
  • Assign deadlines to tasks, but not milestones.
  • Consider teammates’ familiarity with the tasks. (CORRECT)

58. What are the benefits of the project planning phase? Select all that apply.

  • Coordinate efforts and timelines with other teams. (CORRECT)
  • Understand the work the team needs to do to achieve their goals. (CORRECT)
  • Keep teammates from communicating to avoid groupthink when brainstorming ideas.
  • Identify and prepare for risks. (CORRECT)

59. As a project manager, you facilitate a kick-off meeting. During the meeting, you introduce the shared vision of the project and why it matters. Where on the agenda should this be?

  • Background (CORRECT)
  • Roles
  • Questions
  • Goals and scope

60. What should a project manager do directly after completing a project kick-off?

  • Send a follow-up email summarizing key points and action items. (CORRECT)
  • Start the project with all the details discussed in the meeting. 
  • Ensure the right people are invited to the next meeting.
  • Schedule another meeting to follow up on questions.

61. You have identified all milestones for a specific project. What is the next step in setting milestones?

  • Execute the project.
  • Assign tasks to team members.
  • Assign the deadlines. (CORRECT)
  • Set a new budget based on milestones created.

62. You assign new tasks to team members. You have reviewed the project timeline for the milestones. What else should you consider when assigning tasks?

  • Team member seniority
  • Task novelty
  • Task interest
  • Overall workload (CORRECT)

63. Generally, how long should a kick-off meeting last?

  • About one hour (CORRECT)
  • One full work day
  • Two-hours, and extend if attendees have questions
  • Less than 20 minutes

64. In the project planning phase, you create a timeline that includes the start and end date, as well as dates for events in between. What is this timeline called?

  • Time management assessment
  • Schedule (CORRECT)
  • Staging document
  • Calendar

65. Suppose as a project manager, you’re leading a kick-off meeting. One of the discussions is taking longer than expected. How do you get the meeting back on track?

  • Remind attendees of the agenda and the meeting end time. (CORRECT)
  • Tell specific team members they’ll have to wait until the next meeting to speak.
  • Let the speaker finish and schedule another meeting without any discussions.
  • Ask the speaker to finish their point and require everyone else to have a 60-second speaking limit.

Beginning the Planning Phase CONCLUSION

In this week of the course, you will learn how the course is structured and what benefits come with taking the time to planning your work. You’ll explore key components of the planning phase, understand the difference between tasks and milestones, and know how to set objectives as milestones. Finally, you’ll practice putting all these pieces together into a complete project plan.

By the end of this week, you’ll have a strong foundation on which to build your success in managing projects effectively. If you’re ready to get started learning about project management today, join us on Coursera.org!