Course 7 – Design A User Experience for Social Good & Prepare For Jobs

Week 1: Starting The UX Design Process: Empathize, Define, Ideate


Coursera Study Guide


You’ve reached the final course of the Google UX Design Certificate — congratulations! You will design a dedicated mobile app and a responsive website focused on social good that showcases everything you’ve learned in the program. To get started, you’ll learn about designing across devices by exploring progressive enhancement and graceful degradation approaches and the 4Cs. With all of this new knowledge, you’ll begin your portfolio project. You’ll start with the empathize phase, where you’ll create personas, user stories, and user journey maps. Then, you’ll move on to the define phase, where you’ll identify the user need your project will focus on and build a problem statement. Finally, you’ll make your way into the ideate phase, where you’ll conduct a competitive audit and come up with ideas for your dedicated mobile app design through sketching.

Learning Objectives

  • Define the benefits of a mobile-first design philosophy
  • Explain the difference between progressive enhancement and graceful degradation
  • Describe key principles that inform cross-platform design
  • Develop personas
  • Create user journey maps
  • Write a problem statement
  • Conduct a competitive audit
  • Use ideation techniques to generate ideas for mobile app designs


1. Imagine you’re designing an app to help users learn how to effectively manage their money. It features short and straightforward articles, tools, and reminders. Since the app is intended for those on-the-go, which design philosophy should you consider?

  • Mobile-first design (CORRECT)
  • Graceful degradation
  • Matrix model
  • Sequential model

Correct: The mobile-first approach aligns best with the project. The demographic you’re designing the app for are people who are on-the-go, which means they’d most likely use mobile devices like phones and tablets.

2. Regardless of current trends, the most important things a designer should consider are the users and the context of their needs.

  • True (CORRECT)
  • False

Correct: There are multiple approaches a designer can take to creating a product, and there’s no single correct way. It’s more important to consider the needs of the users and the context of those needs.

3. You design a product for users based in emerging international markets and want to use the mobile-first approach. What is an advantage for using this approach?

  • It allows you to design for users based on the devices they use or can access most easily. (CORRECT)
  • It allows you to embellish your designs with advanced features.
  • It allows you to start with a desktop version and then adapt it to smaller screens.
  • It allows you to scale back your design at a later time.

Correct: Users in emerging international markets may access content primarily from a mobile device, so the mobile-first philosophy would be ideal in this case.

4. Fill in the blank: In graceful degradation, you design from the largest screens to the smallest screens. However, in progressive enhancement you design _____.

  • from the least expensive product to the most expensive product
  • from the smallest screen to the largest screen (CORRECT)
  • from the most complex version to the most basic version
  • from the top to the bottom

Correct: Progressive enhancement means designing from the smallest screen to the largest screen. This is also called the bottom-up approach.

5. Imagine you are designing a learning tool for young readers for the local public library’s computer lab. Consider the user and identify which design philosophy works best for this tool.

  • Graceful degradation (CORRECT)
  • Mobile-first
  • Bottom-up
  • Progressive enhancement

Correct: Since this product will serve young users in a computer lab, it is best to design for a larger screen first and a mobile version later.


1. Farha is creating a mobile version of a large company’s recently announced desktop application and wants to keep the brand familiar across platforms. Which of the four Cs does this adhere to?

  • Complementary
  • Continuity
  • Context
  • Consistency (CORRECT)

Correct: Consistency means having a uniform design, so users can expect the design to feel familiar across devices and products. Large brands and companies like Google incorporate a consistent look and feel across all their products so users can expect familiarity.

2. To design effectively across platforms, identify a few key ideas a designer should be mindful of. Select all that apply.

  • Device materials
  • Input methods (CORRECT)
  • Context of use (CORRECT)
  • Content layout (CORRECT)

Correct: Designers should consider the different types of input methods out there, including features like touchscreen, keyboard, mouse, switch, microphone, and more. so designers can best create a product that suits the device or platform. The designer should also be mindful of context of use and content layout.

Correct: Understanding how and when users will use a product on specific or various devices is an important aspect to consider to effectively design across platforms. The designer should also be mindful of input methods and content layout.

Correct: Considering how information is organized on the screens can affect how users access information effectively, and it influences the content readability. The designer should also be mindful of context of use and input methods.


1. Why are problem statements used to inform designs?

  • Problem statements are a succinct and clear way for designers to reference user needs. (CORRECT)
  • Problem statements add a context to help users define their problems.
  • Problem statements help stakeholders understand the design process.
  • Problem statements provide information on problems designers are having.

Correct: They are clear descriptions of user needs that should be addressed, and they provide a succinct way for designers to reference user needs.

2. Which sentence is considered a problem statement?

  • Ahmed is a video game concept artist and dessert lover who wants to discover professional cooking classes because he wants to learn how to make fine desserts at home. (CORRECT)
  • Eunice is a skier and beer aficionado who needs an app that keeps track of work projects because they have many new responsibilities at work.
  • Anders is a pediatrician and adores their chinchilla who needs an app that provides a convenient way to order toys, food, and supplies from local and chain pet stores.
  • As a new dad, I want a quick and nontoxic way to disinfect my baby’s bottles and toys.

Correct: This is a complete problem statement because it features a persona’s name, characteristics, and needs to provide insights about a potential user group.


1. When conducting a competitive audit, what step occurs after a designer creates a list of their product’s competitors?

  • Identify specific features for comparison (CORRECT)
  • Analyze findings
  • Outline the goals
  • Summarize findings

Correct: After a designer creates a list of their product’s competitors, they identify the specific features of the competitors to focus on in the research.

2. Fill in the blank: Competitive audits help designers understand what user needs are already being met in the marketplace and how their designs can _____.

  • beat out the competition
  • inspire competitors
  • challenge previous design approaches
  • improve on current solutions (CORRECT)

Correct: Competitive audits give designers strategic insights for planning the next step of their designs; therefore, they help them make improvements to their design.


1. You decide to design a global communication app for a mobile device first. Which of the following factors contribute to your decision?

  • Users will be located in emerging markets (CORRECT)
  • Users will be in a metropolitan area
  • Users will have reliable internet access
  • Users will be at home or work when they access the product

Correct: Since your app targets a global audience in emerging markets, the geographic location of users is an important factor.

2. What should you have to get started with the Crazy Eights exercise?

  • Problem statement (CORRECT)
  • User story
  • Design platform
  • Design solution

Correct: You will use your problem statement to help guide your ideation.

3. What is the difference between progressive enhancement and graceful degradation in UX design?

  • Progressive enhancement is designing for newer devices first and older devices later. Graceful degradation is designing for older devices first and newer devices later.
  • Progressive enhancement is designing from the smallest screen to the largest screen. Graceful degradation is designing from the largest screen to the smallest screen. (CORRECT)
  • Progressive enhancement is designing from the largest screen to the smallest screen. Graceful degradation is designing from the smallest screen to the largest screen.
  • Progressive enhancement is designing for older devices first and newer devices later. Graceful degradation is designing for newer devices first and older devices later.

Correct: Progressive enhancement and graceful degradation are opposite approaches to UX design.

4. Which of the following is the best design solution to accommodate the next billion users (NBU)?

  • A mobile-only app  
  • A website consistent across all devices and screen sizes (CORRECT)
  • A website only compatible with Android devices
  • A desktop-only website

Correct: Developing solutions across all devices and screen sizes includes all potential users regardless of the device.

5. What are some drawbacks to responsive web apps?

  • Responsive web apps are more expensive to build.
  • Responsive web apps require building different versions for different platforms.
  • Responsive web apps require an internet connection or cell signal. (CORRECT)
  • Responsive web apps take up space on mobile devices.

Correct: Requiring an internet connection or cell signal means users cannot access the app offline.

6. Review the journey map for user persona Shane: Shane was able to reserve books, but was frustrated with the limited quantity of books they were allowed to reserve. Which row in the journey map would include Shane’s pain points?

Coursera UX Design – Course 7 Week 1
  • Feeling Adjective (CORRECT)
  • Task List
  • Action
  • Improvement Opportunities

Correct: Shane’s feelings of frustration would be listed in the Feeling Adjective row.

7. Problem statements help designers propose a specific, measurable solution that addresses the user’s goals and pain points. Which of the following is a quality of a great problem statement?

  • Human-centered (CORRECT)
  • Open-ended
  • Detail-oriented
  • Single-minded

Correct: Great problem statements are human-centered. They’re also broad enough to allow for creative freedom, yet narrow enough to be solved by a design solution.

8. A design team is working on an app for a government information tool and suggests this problem statement: Casey just moved to the area and needs to get information about setting up utilities because he doesn’t know who to contact. What element is missing in the problem statement?

  • User characteristics (CORRECT)
  • Insight
  • User need
  • User name

Correct: The user’s characteristics are missing in the problem statement. It would be helpful to know more about Casey to understand the user’s need and insight.

9. Consider the following persona and answer the following question:

Coursera UX Design Course 7 Week 1

Which of the following is a good user story based on this user persona?

  • As a social person and busy professional, I want to adjust my work hours, so that I can check out books before the library closes.
  • As a busy professional and avid book lover, I want to be able to reserve books in advance, so that I can pick them up based on my schedule. (CORRECT)
  • As a professional and avid reader of political thrillers, I want to build another bookshelf, so I can collect more books.

Correct: This is an example of a good user story because it addresses the persona’s needs based on their characteristics.

10. When conducting a competitive audit, what is the next step after creating a list of your competitors?

  • Analyze findings
  • Identify specific features for comparison (CORRECT)
  • Outline the goals
  • Summarize findings

Correct: Once you create a list of your competitors, you identify the specific features of those competitors to focus on.

11. Fill in the blank: Designing for one screen first allows you to validate your product design, establish a clear user flow, and _____.

  • connect a user’s journey with your product
  • make decisions about the visual design of your product going forward (CORRECT)
  • understand what needs of your users are already being met in the marketplace
  • develop the code needed for your product’s functionality

Correct: Focusing on one design at a time helps you make decisions about the visual aspects of your product going forward.

12. Why should designers take a mobile-first approach when designing solutions for new potential users?

  • Focusing on mobile users first offers a quicker path to a product’s launch.
  • Using a mobile-first approach is best for global users, since most people use a mobile phone to access the internet. (CORRECT)
  • Adopting a mobile-first approach converts mobile users to desktops users.
  • Prioritizing mobile users ensures access for those with access to other devices.

Correct: Mobile phones have democratized internet access due to their relatively low cost and ubiquity. Potential new users are more likely to be mobile phone users than desktop users.

13. Fill in the blank: One of the four Cs, _____ ensures a uniform design so users can expect it to feel familiar across devices and products.

  • Continuity
  • Complementary
  • Context
  • Consistency (CORRECT)

Correct: Consistency ensures a uniform design so that users can expect the same experience across devices.

14. A designer wants to build a store locator app that requires access to a user’s location while in use. Which app type would be the best option for this build?

  • Responsive web app
  • iOS app
  • Dedicated mobile app (CORRECT)
  • Android app

Correct: A dedicated mobile app would work best because an internet connection is not required and it can work with the phone’s location services.

15. Consider the following persona and user story:

“As a busy professional and avid book lover, I want to be able to reserve books in advance, so that I can pick them up based on my schedule.”

What component of the user story addresses the persona’s goal to access books they want to read when they arrive at the library?

  • Role
  • Demographic
  • Benefit
  • Action (CORRECT)

Correct: The persona’s action of being able to reserve books in advance addresses their goal to access books they want to read when they arrive at the library.

16. What is limited in the Crazy Eights exercise?

  • Shape
  • Space
  • Time (CORRECT)
  • Creativity

Correct: The time allotted in this exercise is the only limitation in Crazy Eights.

17. What is the difference between bottom-up design and top-down design?

  • Bottom-up design means designing for the smallest version of your site and embellishing designs for larger screen sizes. Top-down design means designing for a large screen and working down toward a smaller screen. (CORRECT)
  • Bottom-up design means designing for a large screen size and embellishing designs for smaller screen sizes. Top-down design means designing for a small screen and working up toward a larger screen.
  • Bottom-up design means designing for the device users access the least and embellishing designs later for devices users access the most. Top-down design means designing for the device users access the most and working down to devices users access the least.

Correct: Bottom-up and top-down design are opposite design approaches applied based on the user’s need.

18. If the majority of users accessing a site are likely to use a mobile device, what are some best practices for building a site with these users in mind? Select all that apply.

  • Limit the access to only what’s available on both mobile and desktop devices.
  • Organize the site so it’s easy for users to find what they want. (CORRECT)
  • Keep the mobile site consistent with the same content as the desktop site. (CORRECT)
  • Provide features that take advantage of the unique benefits of mobile phones. (CORRECT)

Correct: Mobile users access content from a smaller screen, so content optimized for a small screen is important.

Correct: Mobile users may move from a mobile device to a desktop site, so it is important to provide a seamless user experience between devices.

Correct: Even though the site should be usable from any device, taking into account each device’s unique advantages can make the overall user experience even better.

19. You design a banking app for mobile and desktop devices that can alert users about large deposits or withdrawals. The mobile notifications provide limited information in one sentence, while the desktop notifications provide complete details. Which of the four C’s do these features represent?

  • Complementary
  • Context (CORRECT)
  • Continuity
  • Consistency

Correct: This is an example of designing with context. The design solution addresses the needs of a specific device and the way a user interacts with it in any given situation.

20. What elements make up a problem statement? Select all that apply.

  • Solution
  • Insights (CORRECT)
  • Name (CORRECT)
  • Characteristics (CORRECT)
  • Needs (CORRECT)

Correct: Insights based on the persona’s problem are included in the problem statement because they identify the goals for the design solution.

Correct: The persona’s name is included in the problem statement because it is a human-centered description of a user’s need.

Correct: The persona’s characteristics are included in the problem statement because they represent a real user.

Correct: The persona’s needs are included in the problem statement because they identify a user’s pain points.

21. A problem statement helps designers create the vision for the design. Which of the following is an example of a strong problem statement?

  • Rachel needs an app for a music library.
  • A teenager needs a scheduler app because they participate in a lot of extra-curricular activities.
  • Lynn wants a smart device-enabled recipe app to help with cooking meals.
  • Joshua is a new business owner who needs a tool for tracking expenses easily while on-the-go because he travels a lot for business. (CORRECT)

Correct: This is an example of a problem statement because it is a clear description of a user’s need that the designer should address.

22. What question should you ask when deciding which device to design for first?

  • When will users access the product?
  • Where will users be when they access the product? (CORRECT)
  • Where will users go once they access the app or website?
  • How much do users pay for internet access, cellular access, or wi-fi signal?

Correct: This is a common consideration when evaluating your device design choice. Designers should consider that a user’s experience with a product differs if they’re at home, work, school, or another location.

23. What is the primary device type designers should consider when designing for the next billion users (NBU)?

  • A desktop
  • A smart television
  • A smartwatch
  • A mobile phone (CORRECT)

Correct: It is important to consider global users when designing for NBU. The vast majority of people around the world use a mobile phone as their primary device for accessing the internet.

24. Review the journey map for user persona Shane: Shane is ready to pick up books from the library, but is unsure of the process to complete this action. Based on this pain point, you provide detailed instructions for Shane to test their ability to pick up the books. Which row in the journey map should include those instructions?

  • Improvement Opportunities
  • Action
  • Feeling Adjective
  • Task List (CORRECT)

Correct: Including a list of instructions under the Task List section helps to track the actions required to pick up books.

25. Consider the following persona and complete the user story:

Fill in the blank: As a busy professional and book lover, I want to be able to _____, so that I can pick them up based on my schedule.

  • collect more political thrillers
  • reserve books in advance (CORRECT)
  • check out books before the library closes

Correct: This represents the action part of the user story. Shane wants to be able to reserve books in advance so they can pick them up based on their busy schedule.

26. A designer is developing a website for state employees to process resident requests for licenses primarily through a desktop computer. What approach should be applied in this scenario?

  • Graceful degradation (CORRECT)
  • Progressive enhancement
  • Mobile-first
  • Dedicated mobile

Correct: Since the employees will access the site primarily from a desktop computer, the best approach would be graceful degradation. This approach designs from the largest screen to smaller screens. 

27. Identify benefits of creating a dedicated mobile app. Select all that apply.

  • Content can be easily viewed across all devices
  • Inexpensive to build compared to responsive websites
  • Works well with built-in device features (CORRECT)
  • More visual and interactive options, like gestures and animations (CORRECT)

Correct: Dedicated mobile apps work well with built-in device features, and allows more visual and interactive options, like gestures and animations.

Correct: Dedicated mobile apps work well with built-in device features, and allows more visual and interactive options, like gestures and animations.

28. A design team just completed user research for their upcoming grocery delivery design project. They want to develop a user persona for an adult user who needs a dedicated mobile app. What characteristics should the team include when creating a user persona? Select all that apply.

  • Health status
  • Age (CORRECT)
  • Family situation (CORRECT)
  • Location (CORRECT)

Correct: Including persona’s age helps the design team identify the type of user most likely to benefit from the app. It would be helpful to include their location and family situation too.

Correct: Including location information helps the design team understand a user’s access and availability for a mobile delivery app. It would be helpful to include their age and family situation too.

Correct: Including a persona’s family structure helps the design team understand a potential user’s shopping behaviors and needs based on those behaviors. It would be helpful to include their age and location too.

29. What can user journey maps do to improve the user experience? Select all that apply.

  • Guide the user to an expected result
  • Highlight new pain points (CORRECT)
  • Create obstacle-free paths for the user (CORRECT)
  • Reduce the impact of designer bias (CORRECT)

Correct: In addition to highlighting new pain points, user journey maps help to create obstacle-free paths, reduce the impact of designer bias, and identify areas for improvement in the design. All of these benefits help add context to user pain points.

Correct: In addition to creating obstacle-free paths for the user, user journey maps help to highlight new pain points, reduce the impact of designer bias, and identify areas for improvement in the design. All of these benefits help add context to user pain points.

Correct: In addition to reducing the impact of designer bias, user journey maps help to create obstacle-free paths, highlight new pain points, and identify areas for improvement in the design. All of these benefits help add context to user pain points.

30. When building the path to map a user’s journey, what is the first step you should do?

  • Add opportunities for improvement.
  • Add each action journey until the user reaches their goal. (CORRECT)
  • Add how the user feels at each point.
  • Add descriptions for each action.

Correct: The first step in building the path to map a user’s journey is to add each action journey until the user reaches their goal. This would go on the top row of the map.

31. What is the goal of the Crazy Eights exercise during the ideation phase?

  • To focus on a set amount of ideas
  • To generate many distinct ideas through rough sketches (CORRECT)
  • To generate the best idea in a one-minute time frame
  • To generate designs as close to the final product as possible

Correct: The goal of Crazy Eights is to push beyond your first idea, frequently the least innovative, and to generate a wide variety of solutions to your challenge.

32. You design a music streaming app for laptops, desktops, and mobile phones. Users can start a playlist from their laptop or desktop and listen to it on mobile phones, or vice versa, as long as the devices are attached to the same account log-in. Which of the four Cs does this feature represent?

  • Consistency
  • Continuity (CORRECT)
  • Complementary
  • Context

Correct: This is an example of continuity in design because users have an uninterrupted experience as they move between devices. Regardless of which platform a person uses to create a playlist, they can move to another device to continue where they left off, or listen to it. To provide that continuity, the devices have to be attached to the same account log-in.

33. Review the journey map for user persona Shane: Shane was able to browse the catalog of books, but was not able to find any twentieth century books in a short time. Based on this pain point, you recommend expanding the site’s filter options. Which row in the journey map should include your recommendations?

  • Feeling Adjective
  • Task List
  • Action
  • Improvement Opportunities (CORRECT)

Correct: Listing ways to refine the catalogue’s filter would fall under the Improvement Opportunities section because it identifies areas for improvement in the design.

34. Fill in the blank: Problem statements are a succinct way to reference a user’s needs. They also help designers _____.

  • create a user group
  • establish the intent of a design (CORRECT)
  • build wireframes and prototypes
  • develop a design system

Correct: Problem statements help designers move forward with a clear vision for the design.

35. What is the final step in conducting a competitive audit?

  • Summarize your findings (CORRECT)
  • Create a list of your competitors
  • Research each product
  • Outline the goals

Correct: Once you have completed your competitive audit, you summarize your findings in a report or presentation.

36. A designer wants to design for the smallest and most basic version of their site, like for a mobile phone. What approach should they use?

  • Graceful degradation
  • Progressive enhancement (CORRECT)
  • Dedicated mobile app design
  • Dedicated desktop web design


37. Fill in the blank: When designing solutions for a large global audience, designers should take the _____ approach.

  • design-first
  • data-first
  • mobile-first (CORRECT)
  • desktop-first

Correct: Prioritizing mobile users focuses on the common point of access for most of today’s global users.

38. A design team is working on a design project for a bill pay app. They have to design the app quickly and with a limited budget. Which of the following app types would work best in this scenario?

  • iOS app
  • Dedicated mobile app
  • Responsive web app (CORRECT)
  • Android app

Correct: Problem statements help designers move forward with a clear vision for the design.

39. A design team is working on a design project for an event ticketing app to reduce paper tickets. They suggest the following design problem statement: Ricki is an avid sports fan and wants to avoid printing tickets that will be discarded once they’re in the stadium. What element is missing in the problem statement?

  • User need (CORRECT)
  • Insight
  • User name
  • User characteristics


40. What is the objective of the Crazy Eights exercise?

  • To validate your product design
  • To establish a clear user flow
  • To come up with rough sketches of your future product (CORRECT)
  • To make final decisions about future visual designs


41. Fill in the blank: When outlining your goals in a competitive audit, you should include your users, _____, and the product’s industry.

  • how your product can beat the competition
  • the competition’s goals  
  • specific information about your product
  • a list of the competitors (CORRECT)


42. You are at a UX design conference and are attending a session on designing for social good. The speaker indicates that designing with accessibility in mind has become more commonplace. However, they say that there is still a large issue with products. What would that issue be?

  • The products needed for users who have accessibility requirements are delayed in production because of supply chain issues.
  • Products remained centered around users who are able-bodied. (CORRECT)
  • Products with accessible design are very expensive.
  • The demand for products that cater to accessibility needs is low.

43. You are working with a junior UX designer on their first project. They are designing for a responsive website. You advise them to use progressive enhancement as they begin to design. What does this mean?

  • Design from the largest screen to the smallest screen.
  • Design for all mobile devices and the various screen sizes first, and then account for tablets and desktops at the end.
  • Design from the smallest screen to the largest screen. (CORRECT)
  • Design for desktops and tablets first, including all screen sizes, and then account for mobile devices at the end.

44. A design journal article that you have recently read declares that the mobile-first philosophy in UX design has become increasingly popular. Why is this the case?

  • In today’s UX design world, design education and training is mostly centered around designing for mobile devices.
  • The number of mobile phone users around the world is growing, and this means designing for devices and screen sizes that are used the most. (CORRECT)
  • Desktop computers and tablets are becoming obsolete so the value of designing for them has diminished.
  • It is more cost-effective to keep the focus of UX design in one device category. 

45. A junior UX designer is studying the different methods of designing for responsive websites. They ask you what graceful degradation means. How would you respond?

  • Graceful degradation means designing the top-level navigation first and then deciding on sub-navigation and sub-categories.
  • Graceful degradation means designing from the smallest screen to larger screens.
  • Graceful degradation means designing from the largest screen to smaller screens. (CORRECT)
  • Graceful degradation means replacing placeholder images with high-quality images in your designs.

46. Your UX design team has been hired to design an educational website for a local school district. Through empathy interviews and data collection, they have determined that the majority of users for this website will be using laptops or desktops in a classroom or library setting. Which design approach would best suit this type of product?

  • Graceful degradation approach (CORRECT)
  • Progressive enhancement approach
  • Flexible layout approach
  • Large-screen design approach

47. You are attending a UX design conference. The keynote speaker tells the audience that the first or primary device for accessing the internet for the vast majority of people around the world is now a mobile phone. What does this statement mean as you think about your design philosophy?

  • A next-generation device philosophy is the way to go.
  • A mobile-first philosophy is the way to go. (CORRECT)
  • A responsive design philosophy is the way to go.
  • A desktop-first, mobile-second philosophy is the way to go.

48. You are giving a presentation to individuals who potentially want to pursue a career in UX design. You make the statement that UX designers have to plan for a nearly endless number of different devices and different variables, such as varying screen sizes and different input methods like a keyboard or microphone. A participant asks you why this is true. How would you respond? Select all that apply.

  • Users have different preferences and different abilities as far as technological knowledge. This means UX designers have to plan for both high and low aptitude users.
  • The number of devices available to experience content on is constantly growing and changing. (CORRECT)
  • Regardless of the type of device users prefer, their experience across any and all devices should be consistent. When it comes to design, UX designers need to keep this notion front of mind. (CORRECT)
  • Users are likely to look at the same website across devices—on their mobile phones, tablets, laptops, or TVs. (CORRECT)

49. A junior UX designer mentions that they are designing for a website that will be used across multiple devices. You recommend that they use the 4 Cs when designing across devices. The junior UX designer is not sure what you mean by the 4 Cs. What would you tell them?

  • The 4 Cs when designing across devices stand for consistency, continuity, context, and complementary. (CORRECT)
  • The 4 Cs when designing across devices stand for collaboration, cooperate, concurrence, and compatibility.
  • The 4 Cs when designing across devices stand for care, compromise, community, and cohesion. 
  • The 4 Cs when designing across devices stand for co-exist, continuous, circumstances, and congruent.

50. Your UX design mentor mentions that it is important to know how users will interact with your designs. Why is this important?

  • The interaction context helps you understand the client’s requirements for accessibility.
  • The interaction context helps you understand how many times users will be interacting with your designs on a daily basis.
  • The interaction context helps you understand the different types of input methods users might use, such as a mouse or touchscreen. (CORRECT)
  • The interaction context helps you understand the duration of time during which users will be interacting with your design.

51. You mention to a junior UX designer that having a mobile-first approach to designs will likely lower load time. What does this mean?

  • A mobile-first design approach results in a reduction of time when users contact the support group.
  • A mobile-first design approach is a design that includes everyday apps like email, weather, and a calculator, thus reducing the need for users to download additional apps that take up space on their devices.
  • A mobile-first design approach will have fewer elements and features to load, thus reducing the time it takes for content to load. (CORRECT) 
  • A mobile-first design approach will lessen the technology needed within the device, thus reducing the size of the device.

52. You are mentoring a junior UX designer. They have taken their very first project, which is to design a responsive website. You advise them to employ the progressive enhancement approach. They ask you what the benefits are for this approach. What would you tell them? Select all that apply.

  • Progressive enhancement helps designers identify all of the navigational icons and categories for the website.
  • Progressive enhancement helps designers focus on the basic capabilities of the website. (CORRECT)
  • Progressive enhancement helps designers choose the most important elements to prioritize on the screen. (CORRECT)
  • Progressive enhancement provides designers a template to help clients understand the UX design process. (CORRECT)

53. The junior UX designer you are mentoring is designing a responsive website. They are not sure if they should use a progressive enhancement approach or a graceful degradation approach. What would you tell them to help them decide on their approach?

  • You should decide on the approach based on the quantity of content that will go on the website.
  • You should decide on the approach based on your client’s recommendations and preferences.
  • You should decide on the approach based on the user you are trying to serve. (CORRECT)
  • You should decide on the approach based on what the website content is about.

54. You are working with a new UX designer. Together, you are evaluating websites and identifying the good elements of UX design and the elements that do not meet UX design standards. The new UX designer notices that on one website, the sign-in button is located in the same location, even if the website is viewed on different types of devices. Which of the 4 Cs of designing across devices does this relate to?

  • Context
  • Consistency (CORRECT)
  • Continuity
  • Complementary

55. The instructor in your UX design class mentions the Next Billion Users. What are they referring to?

  • Next Billion Users refers to people who want virtual reality integrated into their mobile devices.
  • Next Billion Users refers to people around the world who are starting to use the internet for the first time, often through mobile devices. (CORRECT)
  • Next Billion Users refers to people who have downloaded what seems like a billion apps on their mobile devices. 
  • Next Billion Users refers to the younger generations who do not know life without mobile devices.

56. In your UX design class, the instructor is talking about using the 4 Cs when designing across devices. They give the example of a person who has an email app on both their mobile phone and smartwatch. The person is likely not going to compose emails on their smartwatch. Rather, they might want to receive email notifications or see important messages on their smartwatch. The instructor reinforces this example by saying that UX designers must design for the needs of a specific device and the way in which the user will use that device in any given situation. Which of the 4 Cs does this address? 

  • Continuity
  • Consistency
  • Context (CORRECT)
  • Complementary

57. The scope of work for the project you are starting indicates that the app should be designed for multiple devices, including desktops, phones, and smart watches. What elements do you need to consider when designing across devices? Select all that apply.

  • Brand and style guidelines
  • The device’s screen size and resolution (CORRECT)
  • Different types of input methods, like a touchscreen, keyboard, mouse, switch, or microphone, that users might use to interact with your product (CORRECT)
  • Content layout (CORRECT)

58. You are using the progressive enhancement approach for a responsive website design. How does this approach help you as you are designing? Select all that apply. 

  • It helps you narrow down the appropriate imagery and iconography that match the content of the website.
  • It provides guidance for the accessibility considerations you will need to account for in your design.
  • It helps you have a clear vision of how the website should appear on all device sizes and types. (CORRECT) 
  • It allows you to highlight the most important content from the start. (CORRECT)

59. You have just returned from a UX design conference where the main topic was accessibility. You would like to apply some of the things you learned from the conference. In your current project, you are working on a design for an app that senior citizens will use to schedule caretaker and family visits. What considerations would you apply in your design to better accommodate senior citizens? Select all that apply.

  • A round-the-clock help desk that users can call for assistance
  • Voice-enabled interactions so there is less frustration with tapping or clicking (CORRECT)
  • Multiple entry points so users can more easily get to their destination (CORRECT)
  • An easy set-up and access that does not require a username or password (CORRECT)

60. The junior UX designer you are mentoring is tasked with creating a responsive website. You advise them to consider bottom-up designing. They are not sure what this means. How would you explain this to them?

  • Bottom-up designing means that you first design for the smallest and most basic version and then embellish the designs for larger screen sizes. (CORRECT)
  • Bottom-up designing means that the design should start on a mobile device that is oriented in landscape mode, and then design revisions should be made to account for a device in the portrait orientation.
  • Bottom-up designing means that you start with a very rudimentary prototype and refine it as the design becomes more clear.
  • Bottom-up designing means that you design from the bottom of the screen to the top of the screen, allowing you to start from the end point and work your way to the entry point.

61. You are orienting a new UX designer to your company and the team. The UX designer asks you to identify the number one thing that the UX design team focuses on. You consider this question, and thinking from a UX design perspective, you provide them an answer. What would your answer be?

  • Collaboration with the client and stakeholders
  • Easy-to-use, intuitive navigation
  • Aesthetics and brand identity
  • The user and their needs (CORRECT)

62. You are starting a new project for which you will be building an app that will be used across multiple devices. How would you determine which device you should focus your design on at first? 

  • Start your design on the device that has the smallest screen dimensions and work your way up to devices that have larger screen dimensions.
  • Start your design on the device that has the most popular operating system and then work backwards and design for devices with lesser-known or lesser-used operating systems.
  • Start your design on the device that has the biggest screen dimensions and work your way down to the devices that have the smallest screen dimensions.
  • Start your design on the device where your target audience spends the most time doing tasks that are similar or related to the tasks you’re designing for. (CORRECT)

63. You are following the mobile-first philosophy as you are designing a new app. What is one benefit of a mobile-first approach?

  • Mobile-first designs provide a quicker timeline for designers because only one version needs to be created.
  • Mobile-first designs help users quickly access content because fewer elements and features have to load. (CORRECT)
  • Mobile-first designs are open-source templates of various interactions that you can download and use, as needed.
  • Mobile-first designs are easier to design and faster to implement.

64. The junior UX designer you are mentoring is wondering about when in the design process they will decide to use the progressive enhancement approach or the graceful degradation approach. What would you tell them? 

  • During the empathy phase, when you will get to know your users and their needs. This will inform you of the approach to use. 
  • During the ideate phase, when you will generate lots of ideas that will help you decide which approach to use. (CORRECT)
  • During the testing phase, when the feedback you gather from your users and clients will inform you if you took the right approach.
  • During prototyping, when you will test the design to see if you have chosen the right approach. If you did not, you can iterate and revise your design.

65. You are teaching a UX design course. Today’s topic is designing across devices. You explain the 4 Cs of designing across devices to your students. You give them a scenario and ask for them to consider it and provide you an answer: Your client wants users to start writing an email on their laptop, save it as a draft, and finish that email later through an app on their mobile phone. Which of the 4 Cs of designing across devices does this relate to?

  • Context
  • Continuity (CORRECT)
  • Consistency
  • Complementary

66. At a UX designer conference, one of the presenters talks about progressive enhancement and alludes to a design philosophy that it is closely related to. Which philosophy is this presenter alluding to?

  • Operating system specificity philosophy
  • Mobile-first philosophy
  • Small-screen philosophy (CORRECT)
  • User-centered philosophy