Course 7 – Design A User Experience for Social Good & Prepare For Jobs

Week 6: Finding a UX Job


Coursera Study Guide


In the final part of the Google UX Design Certificate, you’ll prepare to find a job as a new UX designer. You’ll start by making final adjustments to your portfolio to ensure it’s ready to share in job applications. Next, you’ll examine the UX design interview process and develop strategies to succeed in various types of interview: pre-interview research, an elevator pitch, a phone screen, a portfolio presentation, a whiteboard exercise, a take home design exercise, and more. Finally, you’ll explore the world of freelancing by creating a business plan and learning how to land your first client.

Learning Objectives

  • Prepare a UX portfolio website for job interviews
  • Define best practices for successful interviews
  • Demonstrate how to build rapport with interviewers
  • Research and practice responding to common interview questions
  • Describe the purpose and structure of panel interviews and whiteboard exercises
  • Develop plans to present portfolio work as part of an interview process
  • Describe how to start a freelance UX design business
  • Develop an elevator pitch


1. A UX designer can begin their career at what type of company? Select all that apply.

  • Production company
  • Design agency (CORRECT)
  • Start-up (CORRECT)
  • Large company (CORRECT)
  • Advertising agency (CORRECT)

Correct: Design agencies provide a one-stop shop for the look of brands, products, and services. They typically focus on branding and design. Large companies, advertising agencies, and start-ups are other types of companies UX designers may begin their career at.

Correct: Start-ups are new businesses that want to develop a unique product or service and bring it to market. Teams at start-ups are typically smaller and close-knit compared to corporations, and each person performs a variety of roles and tasks. Think of it like being a generalist! Large companies, advertising agencies, and design agencies are other types of companies UX designers may begin their career at.

Correct: Large companies, such as Google, Apple, Nike, and Amazon. Working at a big company is a great way to learn about a specialization within UX design, and you get to learn from other experts. Start-ups, advertising agencies, and design agencies are other types of companies UX designers may begin their career at.

Correct: Advertising agencies are teams of creatives hired by clients to build marketing campaigns. Designers working at an advertising agency will likely have opportunities working with different brands and companies. Large companies, start-ups, and design agencies are other types of companies UX designers may begin their career at.

2. Why is it important for an entry-level designer to present their portfolio to potential employers? Select all that apply.

  • Present a roadmap on where they want to be in their career
  • Provide transparency on their work history
  • Prove they have the skills and potential to get the work done (CORRECT)
  • Show they are open to continuous learning (CORRECT)

Correct: It’s important for an entry-level designer to consider how they should present their portfolio to employers because it proves they have the skills and potential to get the work done. It also shows that they’re open to learning.

Correct: It’s important for an entry-level designer to consider how they should present their portfolio to employers because it demonstrates that they’re open to learning. It also proves they have the skills and potential to get the work done.


1. What are some key tips for building rapport with an interviewer? Select all that apply.

  • Be defiant
  • Be curious (CORRECT)
  • Be yourself (CORRECT)
  • Be genuine (CORRECT)

Correct: Be yourself, be genuine, and be curious! Keeping an open mind creates  opportunities for you to learn more about the person you’re communicating with, the job you’re interviewing for, and the company you’re considering joining.

Correct: Be yourself, be genuine, and be curious! Actively share about yourself to build a relationship, while also being professional and respectful of the interviewer’s personal boundaries.

Correct: Be yourself, be genuine, and be curious! Be your authentic, professional self, and represent your work and your values honestly.

2. Why should you be curious to build rapport with your interviewer? Select all that apply.

  • Professional representation of a designer’s personal brand
  • Identifies other opportunities that may be available if this role doesn’t fit
  • Leads to having better, more insightful questions (CORRECT)
  • Creates more opportunities to learn about the person you’re communicating with (CORRECT)

Correct: You can learn more about the people you’d be working with and how they feel about the organization. It can also create opportunities to learn more about the job you’re interviewing for and the company you’re considering joining.

Correct: It creates opportunities to learn more about the job you’re interviewing for and the company you’re considering joining. It can also lead to having better, more insightful questions because you can learn more about the people you’d be working with, and how they feel about the organization.

3. Identify actions a designer should take to prepare themselves before an interview. Select all that apply.

  • Build rapport with interviewers
  • Explore requirements and expectations (CORRECT)
  • Build a knowledge base about the company (CORRECT)
  • Determine and prepare answers to common interview questions (CORRECT)
  • Build a narrative (CORRECT)

Correct: Designers can explore the requirements and expectations of a UX design role by reaching out to professional networks and communities, or scanning the job description in detail.  They can also determine and prepare answers to common interview questions, build a knowledge base about the company, and build a narrative before an interview.

Correct: Consider researching questions that explore the company’s mission statement, or the company culture.  Designers can also explore requirements and expectations, determine and prepare answers to common interview questions, build a knowledge base about the company, and build a narrative before an interview.

Correct: To best prepare for interviews, designers can prepare answers to  common questions asked during interviews. They can also explore requirements and expectations, build a knowledge base about the company, and build a narrative before an interview.

Correct: Preparing a narrative that speaks to a designer’s personal brand, and who they are is an important preparation step. Designers can also explore requirements and expectations, determine and prepare answers to common interview questions, and build a knowledge base about the company.


1. Consider the following scenario: UX designer Sadé is asked a complex, multi-tiered question during an interview: “Describe the design process for this project. What challenges did you overcome? ”

Which method is the best approach to this interview question?

  • Elevator pitch

Correct: STAR stands for situation, task, action, and result. This is a great approach to answer complex, multi-tiered questions like the one in this scenario. Other example questions include: “Describe a project that makes you proud,” “Can you tell me about a time when you did your own research to understand user needs?” or “What part of the design process do you enjoy doing the most? Why?”

2. Review the following interviewee’s response to an interview question:

I’m Alonso, and I’m an experienced educator, manager, and mentor. I have decades of experience in public and private education. I’ve also helped hospitals and corporations such as Seattle Children’s and Microsoft create learning curriculums for their employees. I love being an educator, and helping to make knowledge more accessible for everyone. Your company’s motto “You never truly stop learning” is a creed I live by each day.

What is this an example of?

  • STAR method
  • Elevator pitch (CORRECT)
  • Whiteboard
  • Panel

Correct: This response is a prime example of an elevator pitch. It includes who Alonso is, what they bring, why they love the work, and why they’re interested in the position they’re interviewing for.


1. What is a panel interview?

  • A group’s assessment of a designer’s skills, experience, and work ethic (CORRECT)
  • An assessment of multiple candidates
  • A strategic method of answering questions
  • A real-time, practical demonstration of a designer’s skills

Correct: A panel interview generally consists of meeting a group of people who want to assess a designer’s skills, experience, and work ethic. A designer might be asked to present their portfolio to the entire panel and answer questions they may have.

2. During a panel interview, what might be expected of a designer? Select all that apply.

  • Offer a practical demonstration of their skills
  • Showcase any coding knowledge
  • Answer questions about their experience and skills (CORRECT)
  • Showcase their portfolio (CORRECT)

Correct: During a panel interview, a designer will be expected to answer questions regarding their work ethic, approach to problem-solving, and to showcase their portfolio. The panel will assess a designer’s skills and experience throughout the discussion.

Correct: If a designer is asked to submit a design exercise before a panel interview, they may be asked to present the exercise to the group. They will also be asked to answer questions regarding their work ethic and approach to problem-solving.

3. A whiteboard interview gives interviewers a chance to assess a designer’s knowledge, thought processes, design capabilities, and communication skills.

  • True (CORRECT)
  • False

Correct: A whiteboard interview is a practical, real-time demonstration of a designer’s skills. It provides interviewers an opportunity to assess a designer’s knowledge, thought processing, design capabilities, and communication skills in action.


1. Imagine you decide to start your own freelance UX design business and get to work on your business plan. When creating a business plan, what questions should you answer as you build it? Select all that apply.

  • What type of employer do you prefer?
  • What’s your brand identity? (CORRECT)
  • What problem are you solving for your clients? (CORRECT)
  • Who’s your competition? (CORRECT)

Correct: Establishing your brand identity is important because it is what you stand for and how you’d like to be perceived. You should also identify the problem you’re solving for your clients, and who your competition is.

Correct: Demonstrating your expertise in specific solutions is important for your business plan because clients will understand how you can help them. You should also identify your brand identity, and who your competition is.

Correct: Understanding your competitive landscape will help you scope the kinds of services to offer clients. You should also identify your brand identity, and the problem you’re solving for your clients.

2. Which of the following could be a business path for a freelance UX designer?

  • Design agency
  • Sole ownership (CORRECT)
  • Freelance marketplace (CORRECT)
  • Partnership (CORRECT)

Correct: Working alone is the most common way to freelance. It offers the most freedom for designers but it also requires a lot of responsibility. Other possible business paths include a partnership, or freelance marketplace.

Correct: Working with a freelance marketplace like Fivver or Wix offers the creative freedom in freelancing. However, the marketplace serves as a third-party entity for client transactions. Other possible business paths include partnership, or sole ownership.

Correct: Partnering with an engineer or web developer is a way to freelance and connect with an extended network of clients. Other possible business paths include sole ownership, or freelance marketplace.

3. Which of the following is NOT typically included in a business plan?

  • Brand identity
  • Business expenses
  • Competition
  • Website (CORRECT)

Correct: While you may include a high-level website mockup as part of the “Marketing” section of your business plan, it’s not expected for you to already have a website at this stage. Think of the business plan as the pre-work you need to do before actually developing your website and other assets.


1. You explore freelancing opportunities and want to develop a business plan. What factors should you consider when determining your rate? Select all that apply.

  • People skills
  • Your personal expenses
  • Market rate for similar services (CORRECT)
  • Your business expenses (CORRECT)

Correct: You should consider the market rate for similar services in your area when writing your business plan. This will help you determine the going rate for the kinds of services you plan to offer. You should also consider business expenses needed to run your business.

Correct: Your rate should take into account the business expenses needed to run your business. Items such as equipment, utilities, and other operating expenses should be considered. You should also consider the market rate for similar services in your area when writing your business plan.

2. As you start your freelancing career, you create a social media page for your new business. What are some ways to attract clients through social media? Select all that apply.

  • Post other interests on your company profile
  • Ask friends and family to promote your page on their social media pages (CORRECT)
  • Post your new company’s social media on your personal page profiles (CORRECT)
  • Post examples of your work (CORRECT)

Correct: You can ask your friends to like or share some of your business posts on their social media networks. You can also post examples of your work, and post your new company’s social media on your personal page profiles.

Correct: Promoting your business on your personal page profiles is a good way to expand your network and attract potential clients. You can also post examples of your work, and ask friends and family to  promote your page on their social media pages.

Correct: Posting examples of your work is a good way to attract potential clients. You can also post your new company’s social media on your personal page profiles, and ask friends and family to promote your page of their social media pages.

3. Fill in the blank: When offering services pro bono, avoid _____ by preparing a new scope of work that includes rates for additional work.

  • pitching
  • paid work
  • scope creep (CORRECT)
  • networking

Correct: Scope creep happens when the pro bono work you do exceeds what is outlined in the original scope.

4. You have a client interested in your work and they send you a request for proposal to determine if you can work together on a future project. You review the scope of work that outlines the project. What components in the scope of work should you pay attention to? Select all that apply.

  • Budget
  • Timelines (CORRECT)
  • External work (CORRECT)
  • Project needs (CORRECT)

Correct: A scope of work includes timelines so a freelancer can determine if they can complete the project according to the dates established. It also includes project needs and external work.

Correct: A scope of work details any potential external work a freelancer may need to complete the project. It also includes timelines and project needs.

Correct: A scope of week includes project needs and objectives so a freelancer can propose services to meet those needs. It also includes timelines and external work.

5. What is a statement of work (SOW)?

  • A legally binding document that lists detailed deliverables, due dates, and a payment schedule. (CORRECT)
  • A document that outlines the project a designer will complete.
  • A list of expenses and profit margins that add up to an appropriate cost for services.
  • A list of expected payment dates and any upfront costs and contingencies.

Correct: A statement of work is a legally binding document that lists detailed deliverables, due dates, and a payment schedule.

6. What is the goal of your portfolio as an entry-level designer?

  • Outline lessons learned
  • Prove senior-level quality work
  • Showcase your experience
  • Show potential (CORRECT)

Correct: You want to prove that you have enough skills to do the nitty-gritty, sometimes tedious design work and that you’re open to continuing to learn.

7. What is a panel interview?

  • An interview when you meet one-on-one with a person on the leadership team.
  • An interview when you meet with a recruiter or hiring manager to determine whether you meet the minimum job requirements.
  • An interview when a company representative meets with you before the final interview.
  • An interview when a group of people meet with you at the same time to assess your skill. (CORRECT)

Correct: A panel interview is when a group of people meet with you at the same time to understand how your background fits the role.

8. Which of the following questions should you consider to build a knowledge base about the company you’re applying to and its products? Select all that apply.

  • What is the salary range for the job posting?
  • Who is the hiring manager?
  • What’s the company culture like? (CORRECT)
  • What’s the company’s mission statement? (CORRECT)

Correct: Throughout the interview process, you can expect to be asked what you know about the company and its products, so you want to be well prepared.  You should also inquire about the company’s mission statement.

Correct: Throughout the interview process, you can expect to be asked what you know about the company and its products, so you want to be well prepared. You should also inquire about the company culture.

9. What is the fourth step in the pre-interview research process?

  • Determine common interview questions
  • Prepare answers to each interview question (CORRECT)
  • Build a knowledge base about the company and its products
  • Explore the requirements and expectations of the job

Correct: You want the interviewers to understand who you are as a designer and as a potential employee. By creating an easy-to-follow narrative about who you are, you can give the interviewers insight into your value as a candidate.

10. Which of the following questions might you ask recruiters? Select all that apply.

  • What is the pay range for this role?
  • Does this position have room for growth? (CORRECT)
  • What can you tell me about the team? (CORRECT)
  • How is the work/life balance of this company? (CORRECT)

Correct: Asking questions shows that you’re interested in the position. It also helps you figure out if the job is something you could enjoy and see yourself doing well in. It will also be helpful to ask questions about the company’s work/life balance, and the team you may be working with.

Correct: Asking questions shows that you’re interested in the position. It also helps you figure out if the job is something you could enjoy and see yourself doing well in. It will also be helpful to ask questions about the role’s potential for growth, and the company’s work/life balance.

Correct: Asking questions shows that you’re interested in the position. It also helps you figure out if the job is something you could enjoy and see yourself doing well in. It will also be helpful to ask questions about the role’s the potential for growth, and the team you may be working with.

11. Which interviewer type is a subject matter expert who evaluates candidates to make a recommendation on whether to proceed with the interview process?

  • Evaluator (CORRECT)
  • Recruiter
  • Hiring manager
  • Human resource associate

Correct: Evaluators are the subject matter experts who aren’t a professional recruiter or a hiring manager, but are there to evaluate candidates to make a recommendation on whether to proceed with the interview process.

12. Who should you ask about what is appropriate attire for an interview?

  • Human resource associate
  • Hiring manager
  • Evaluator
  • Recruiter (CORRECT)

Correct: For questions like this, it’s best to ask your recruiters. They’re there to help you put your best impression forward!

13. While answering questions using the STAR method, you want to make sure to give the interviewer a sense of what? Select all that apply.

  • What motivates you
  • Where you want to be in the future
  • Who you are (CORRECT)
  • Why you’re there (CORRECT)

Correct: You want to be well-prepared with specific points about how your unique background and experiences fit with the position by giving them a sense of who you are and why you’re there.

Correct: You want to be well-prepared with specific points about how your unique background and experiences fit with the position by giving them a sense of who you are and why you’re there.

14. What should you consider when delivering a presentation of your portfolio? Select all that apply.

  • Deliver your elevator pitch
  • Present your most important or relevant case study (CORRECT)
  • Invite questions (CORRECT)
  • Introduce yourself and your background (CORRECT)

Correct: Clearly state the user you designed for and describe the user’s goals and pain points. You should also introduce yourself, your background, and invite questions.

Correct: Keep in mind that the interviewers’ job is to ask questions to learn more about your thought processes. So don’t be surprised if they have a lot of questions for you! Additionally, you should also introduce yourself, your background, and present your most important or relevant case study.

Correct: Share your name and a short description of your educational or work background using a warm and friendly tone, present your most important or relevant case study, and invite questions.

15. It’s always a good idea to follow up after a portfolio presentation with a thank you email. What should it include? Select all that apply.

  • Your pay rate request
  • Your starting date
  • Your interest in the position (CORRECT)
  • Recap of your qualifications (CORRECT)

Correct: Interviewers love passion and want to see it in their candidates. It’s also a good idea to reiterate your most applicable qualifications that show you can do the job.

Correct: You want to reiterate your most applicable qualifications that show you can do the job, and your interest in the position. Interviewers love passion and want to see it in their candidates.