Module 4: 3rd Party Breach


Complete Coursera Study Guide

INTRODUCTION – 3rd Party Breach

In this module, participants will embark on an insightful exploration of 3rd Party breaches and their profound implications for organizations, illuminated through engaging case studies. Delving into the intricate dynamics of third-party relationships in the realm of cybersecurity, learners will uncover the vulnerabilities and risks associated with entrusting sensitive data to external entities.

Through a comprehensive examination of real-world scenarios, this module aims to equip individuals with a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted impacts of 3rd Party breaches, from financial ramifications to damage to reputation and trust. This immersive journey will empower participants to adopt proactive measures and strategic partnerships, enhancing organizational resilience against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify third-party breach prevention techniques developed from an analysis of companies that successfully prevent such breaches
  • Describe the impact of the Quest Diagnostics third-party breach
  • Identify vulnerabilities exploited in the Quest Diagnostics third-party breach
  • Summarize the timeline of the Quest Diagnostics third-party breach
  • Describe the impact of third-party breaches on individuals and businesses
  • List best practices for preventing third-party breaches
  • Describe the types of third-party breaches
  • Define third-party breach


1. A cyber attack originating from which three (3) of the following would be considered a supply-chain attack? (Select 3)

  • An environmental activist group
  • E-mail providers (CORRECT)
  • Subcontractors (CORRECT)
  • Web hosting companies (CORRECT)

Partially correct!

2. Which three (3) of these were cited as the top 3 sources of third-party breach? (Select 3)

  • Cloud-based storage or hosting providers (CORRECT)
  • Online payment or credit card processing services (CORRECT)
  • JavaScript on websites used for web analytics (CORRECT)
  • Security vulnerabilities in operating systems

Partially correct!

3. True or False. While data loss from a third-party breach can be expensive, third-party breaches account for less than 22% of all breaches.

  • True
  • False (CORRECT)

4. According to a 2019 Ponemon study, what percent of consumers say they will defect from a business if their personal information is compromised in a breach?

  • 10%
  • 51%
  • 80% (CORRECT)
  • 92%


1. True or False. According to a 2018 Ponemon study, organizations surveyed cited “A third-party misused or shared confidential information…” as their top cyber security concern for the coming year.

  • False

2. How effective were the processes for vetting third-parties as reported by the majority (64%) of the companies surveyed?

  • Highly effective
  • Effective
  • Somewhat or not effective (CORRECT)
  • Not effective at all

3. In the first few months of 2020 data breaches were reported from Instagram, Carson City, Amazon, GE, T-Mobile,, MSU, and Marriot. While different data were stolen from each organization, which two data elements were stolen from all of them? (Select 2)

  • Corporate financial data
  • Personal information (CORRECT)
  • Customer financial information (CORRECT)
  • Confidential corporate strategy data

Partially correct!

4. True or False. More than 63% of data breaches can be linked to a third-party.

  • True (CORRECT)
  • False

5. According to a 2019 Ponemon study, which is the most common course of action for a consumer who has lost personal data in a breach?

  • Tell others of their experience (CORRECT)
  • Use social media to complain about their experience
  • Comment directly on the company’s website
  • File a complaint with the FTC or other regulatory body

CONCLUSION – 3rd Party Breach

In conclusion, the study of 3rd Party breaches and their repercussions on organizations through case studies provides invaluable insights into the intricacies of cybersecurity. By dissecting real-world examples, participants gain a deeper understanding of the vulnerabilities inherent in third-party relationships and the potential consequences for organizational integrity and security.

Armed with this knowledge, individuals are empowered to implement robust risk management strategies, cultivate strategic partnerships, and bolster defenses against cyber threats emanating from external sources. Through continuous vigilance and proactive measures, organizations can navigate the complexities of third-party interactions with resilience and confidence, safeguarding their assets and maintaining stakeholder trust in an increasingly interconnected digital landscape.