What is project tracking

Course 4 – Project Execution: Running the Project QUIZ ANSWERS

Week 1: Introduction to Project Execution

Google Project Management: Professional Certificate

Coursera Answers & Study Guide

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Introduction to Project Execution INTRODUCTION

Welcome to Coursera’s Google Project Management: Professional Certificate Introduction to Project Execution! This course will provide you with an overview of the core concepts involved in project execution and management.

You will learn how to structure a project, create an appropriate timeline, track progress and risks, manage changes and dependencies, and communicate effectively with stakeholders. Additionally, you will be given the opportunity to practice your new knowledge by applying it to real-world scenarios throughout the duration of the course.

By the end of this lesson, you should have a comprehensive understanding of how all aspects of a project come together for successful completion.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the Project Management certificate program structure and course functionality.
  • Explain the importance of project tracking and identify what aspects of a project to track.
  • Identify and compare different tracking methods.
  • Identify reasons why risks and changes might occur during a project.
  • Manage dependencies and risks in an active project.
  • Address critical risks through escalation and negotiation.


1. How does tracking and measuring progress benefit a project? Select all that apply.

  • Helps team members and stakeholders stay on top of deadlines and goals (CORRECT)
  • Makes project information transparent (CORRECT)
  • Disregards new risks so the team can focus on current tasks
  • Builds confidence that the project will finish on time, in scope, and within budget (CORRECT)

Correct: Tracking and measuring progress helps the project team stay on top of project milestones and complete tasks on time. It also makes project information transparent, helps identify risks and issues, and builds confidence that the project will finish on time, in scope, and within budget.

Correct: Tracking and measuring progress makes information more transparent, which is essential for accurate decision-making. It also helps team members stay on top of deadlines, helps identify risks and issues, and builds confidence that the project will finish on time, in scope, and within budget.

Correct: Tracking and measuring progress gives an up-to-date picture of the project’s status, which helps to motivate and focus the team. It also helps team members stay on top of deadlines, makes project information more transparent, and helps identify risks and issues.

2. Which items should you track throughout the project execution phase? Select all that apply.

  • Individual team members’ schedules
  • Project costs (CORRECT)
  • Key decisions and changes to the project (CORRECT)
  • Progress toward milestones (CORRECT)

Correct: Keeping track of costs ensures that you don’t overspend or underspend on project tasks. You should also track the project schedule, progress towards milestones, and key decisions and changes.

Correct: Keeping track of big decisions, like scope changes, will help keep stakeholders aligned so the project can succeed. You should also track the project schedule, progress towards milestones, and project costs.

Correct: In order to avoid missing deadlines, it’s important to track tasks as the team approaches key milestones. You should also track the project schedule, project costs, and key decisions and changes.

3. Which of the following are tools for tracking project progress? Select all that apply.

  • Gantt charts (CORRECT)
  • Burndown charts (CORRECT)
  • Roadmaps (CORRECT)
  • RACI charts

Correct: Gantt charts measure tasks against time and include information like the owner and order of each task. Roadmaps and burndown charts are also helpful tools for tracking project progress.

Correct: Burndown charts give a detailed breakdown of tasks for projects where finishing on time is the top priority. Roadmaps and Gantt charts can also help you track project progress.

Correct: Roadmaps illustrate how projects should evolve over time and help track big milestones. Burndown charts and Gantt charts are also useful for tracking project progress.

4. Which of the following are common components of a project status report? Select all that apply.

  • Summary (CORRECT)
  • Milestones and tasks (CORRECT)
  • Costs
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Status (CORRECT)
  • Issues (CORRECT)

Correct: The summary condenses the project’s goals, schedule, highlights, and lowlights in one central place for easy stakeholder visibility. A project status report also generally contains the project name, date, status, milestones and tasks, and any issues.

Correct: A description of the project’s major milestones thus far and current tasks helps the team and stakeholders easily visualize the progress of those elements. The project status report also generally includes the project name, date, summary, status, and any issues.

Correct: The status of the project illustrates your actual progress versus your planned progress. Other common components of a project status report include the project name, date, summary, milestones, tasks, and any issues.

Correct: The issues section includes your project’s current roadblocks and potential risks. Other common components of a project status report include the project name, date, summary, status, and milestones and tasks.

5. Which of the following issues can result in a major change to a project plan? Select all that apply.

  • An earthquake damages the foundation of a construction project (CORRECT)
  • A client cuts their budget because of an economic recession (CORRECT)
  • A team member takes a planned vacation
  • A client doubles their original order (CORRECT)

Correct: Force majeure can cause damage that has a big impact on project tasks, structures, and processes.

Correct: Budgetary restrictions can have a big impact on project tasks, structures, and processes.

Correct: Scope creep isn’t always a negative, but it can still have a big impact on project tasks, structures, and processes.

6. Which type of dependency describes the relationship between two tasks within the same project?

  • Internal dependency (CORRECT)
  • Mandatory dependency
  • Discretionary dependency
  • External dependency

Correct: Internal dependencies describe the relationship between two tasks within the same project. For example, a project manager would not tell a team to start working before scoping work and signing contracts—these activities need to come first.

7. In which of the following scenarios is a roadmap the most effective tracking tool?

  • A software development project in which clear communication about big milestones is key (CORRECT)
  • A marketing campaign with a large team and multiple interdependent tasks that uses the Waterfall methodology
  • A construction project that is nearly complete, where the team needs to break each task down in detail

Correct: Roadmaps are great for tracking big milestones and conveying a sense of the big picture to stakeholders.

8. In which of the following scenarios is a Gantt chart the most effective project tracking tool?

  • A software development project with a short timeline and a hard deadline
  • A large construction project involving multiple contractors and many interdependent tasks (CORRECT)
  • A marketing campaign in which stakeholders need a clear picture of the overall project

Correct: Gantt charts lay out ownership and responsibilities explicitly. This makes them a good choice for large projects with multiple dependencies.


1. Imagine that a restaurant supplier has been asked to develop a new dessert for their client, a popular restaurant chain. Even though they are not contractually required to do so, the project team from the restaurant supplier decides to get the client to approve the recipe for the dessert before beginning development on it. From the restaurant supplier’s perspective, what two dependencies does this scenario demonstrate?

  • Discretionary dependency (CORRECT)
  • Internal dependency
  • External dependency (CORRECT)
  • Mandatory dependency

Correct: A discretionary dependency is defined by the project team. In this scenario, the project team decides to get the client to approve their new recipe before they invest time, effort, and work on development. This scenario also illustrates an external dependency, which relies on outside factors.

Correct: An external dependency relies on outside factors like another company, project, or regulatory agency. This scenario also illustrates a discretionary dependency, which is defined by the team.

2. What steps help project managers manage dependencies? Select all that apply.

  • Efficient communication (CORRECT)
  • Group dependencies by cost
  • Proper identification (CORRECT)
  • Compare dependencies with competitors
  • Record dependencies (CORRECT)
  • Continuous monitoring and control (CORRECT)

Correct: Project managers should update stakeholders regularly to help resolve dependencies. They should also identify dependencies properly, record dependencies, and practice continuous monitoring and control.

Correct: Project managers should brainstorm dependencies with their teams and group them accordingly. They should also record dependencies, practice continuous monitoring and control, and communicate efficiently.

Correct: Project managers should record dependencies in a risk register to track related tasks. They should also identify dependencies properly, practice continuous monitoring and control, and communicate efficiently.

Correct: Project managers should hold regular meetings to manage and track progress on related tasks. They should also identify dependencies properly, record dependencies, and communicate efficiently.

3. Imagine you are a project manager working on a large campaign for a public relations (PR) firm. One of the designers you have contracted with has pulled out of the project at the last minute, requiring your in-house design team to take on more work while you search for a replacement. What type of project change does this represent?

  • Force majeure
  • Changing priorities
  • Budget or resource limitation
  • Scope creep
  • New or changing dependencies
  • Capacity and people available (CORRECT)

Correct: If you have to change the people you are using to complete the work, this may affect your team’s capacity to complete project tasks on time.

4. You and your stakeholders will use change request forms to stay on top of and manage changes. What information should be included in these forms? Select all that apply.

  • Similar changes on past projects
  • An in-depth proposal for the necessary changes (CORRECT)
  • Background information (CORRECT)
  • The expected outcome of the discussion (CORRECT)
  • A short description of the current situation (CORRECT)

Correct: This should address any trade-offs that will be required. This should include a discussion of the change and any difference you expect to make to the plan of record, like a snapshot of the before and after. You should also include the project name, the discussion owner, the target discussion date, the expected outcome, a short description of the change, an in-depth proposal, and any background information.

Correct: This enables everyone to share the same context. You should also include the project name, the discussion owner, the target discussion date, the expected outcome, a short description of the change, and an in-depth proposal.

Correct: This might be a change in priorities, schedule change, or an official call on how to proceed with an issue. You should also include the project name, the discussion owner, the target discussion date, a short description of the situation, an in-depth proposal, and any background information.

Correct: This should include a discussion of the change and any difference you expect to make to the plan of record, like a snapshot of the before and after. You should also include the project name, the discussion owner, the target discussion date, the expected outcome, an in-depth proposal, and any background information.

5. What is risk exposure?

  • A way to measure the potential future loss resulting from a specific activity or event (CORRECT)
  • A table or chart that contains a project team’s list of risks
  • A matrix with risk impact along the horizontal axis and probability along the vertical axis

Correct: Risk exposure helps to measure potential future loss. One way to calculate risk exposure is to build a matrix with two variables: risk impact and probability.


1. Some customers called to cancel their subscription despite your team’s best efforts. How do you categorize this issue?

  • Resolved
  • Owned
  • Accepted (CORRECT)
  • Mitigated

Correct: Your team has tried to resolve this issue, but there is nothing more you can do. This means you have accepted it.

2. There are not enough delivery drivers to ensure all Plant Pals orders are delivered on time. You ask your HR Specialist to hire more drivers. How do you categorize this issue?

  • Resolved
  • Owned (CORRECT)
  • Accepted
  • Mitigated

Correct: The issue is owned by the HR Specialist, who will begin the hiring process.

3. Some plants are being delivered late. Your team reassessed delivery routes to make them more efficient. This has reduced the number of late deliveries, but not eliminated the problem. How do you categorize this issue?

  • Resolved
  • Owned
  • Accepted
  • Mitigated (CORRECT)

Correct: The issue is mitigated because you lessened its impact.

4. You discover that 10% of Plant Pals orders are not potted properly. In which of the following scenarios is this issue resolved?

  • You decide that 10% is a reasonable amount of poorly potted plants, so you take no further action.
  • You assigned your Warehouse Operations Manager to handle the issue as soon as possible.
  • The Warehouse Operations Manager makes a plan to update the potting process.
  • The warehouse team updated the potting process and there have been no issues for two weeks. (CORRECT)

Correct: This issue is resolved because it is no longer a problem.

5. Imagine that a meal delivery service sources fresh tomatoes from a particular farm, but flooding destroys half the crop. At what point should the project manager escalate this issue?

  • When brainstorming possible risks in the planning phase
  • When the weather forecast predicts excessive rain
  • When the supplier signals that the plants are in danger (CORRECT)
  • When the flood has destroyed the crop

Correct: Project managers should escalate issues at the first sign of critical problems.


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Project Execution: Running the Project WEEKLY CHALLENGE 1

1. What is project tracking?

  • A method for reaching agreement among stakeholders on project scope.
  • A method for following the progress of a project’s activities. (CORRECT)
  • A method for responding to project risks.
  • A method for assessing project successes and areas for improvement.

Correct: Project tracking supports transparency and risk management and helps project managers keep a project on track.

2. Why should project managers track changes, dependencies, and risks throughout a project?

  • Help prepare for the next project
  • Demonstrate the importance of accepting change
  • Determine who made tracking mistakes during the retrospective
  • Keep teams aligned on how to ensure project success (CORRECT)

Correct: Keeping track of risks and changes helps project teams succeed when the unexpected happens.

3. Which tool provides an overview of a project’s common elements, summarizes them as a snapshot, and communicates project status to the team and stakeholders in a centralized place?

  • Burndown chart
  • Gantt chart
  • Project status report (CORRECT)
  • Roadmap

Correct: A project status report is a great way to simplify communication and update stakeholders on project progress.

4. How does a roadmap differ from a Gantt chart?

  • A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a Gantt chart tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview
  • A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a Gantt chart measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining
  • A roadmap measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining; a Gantt chart is useful for large projects with many dependencies
  • A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a Gantt chart is useful for large projects with many dependencies (CORRECT)

Correct: Roadmaps are great for communicating the big picture to stakeholders. Gantt charts help keep complex projects on schedule.

5. Imagine that an aerospace company builds a new line of passenger jets. Increased raw material costs cause the company to spend more on aluminum than planned. Which of the triple constraints does this change impact the most?

  • Scope
  • Budget (CORRECT)
  • Timeline

Correct: While the triple constraints are linked, the increase in price would impact the budget most.

6. How does a change request form differ from an escalation email?

  • Change request forms help teams remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next steps; escalation emails enlist leadership to manage proposed changes
  • Change request forms enlist leadership to remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next steps; escalation emails help teams manage proposed changes
  • Change request forms enlist leadership to manage proposed changes; escalation emails help teams remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next steps
  • Change request forms help teams manage proposed changes; escalation emails enlist leadership to remove obstacles, reinforce priorities, and validate next steps (CORRECT)

Correct: Both documents help communicate proposed changes, but their content and recipients differ.

7. Imagine that a restaurant is moving to a new location and must pass a government health inspection before it can open. What type of dependency is the inspection? Select all that apply.

  • Discretionary dependency
  • Internal dependency
  • Mandatory dependency (CORRECT)
  • External dependency (CORRECT)

Correct: Mandatory dependencies are legally or contractually required. Projects can’t move forward until they’re complete.

Correct: External dependencies rely on outside factors, like regulatory agencies. It’s important to be aware of them so the project stays on track.

8. Imagine that a project manager creates a matrix with two variables: risk impact and probability. They use the matrix to measure potential future losses to a project resulting from specific activities or events. What is the project manager trying to determine?

  • Risk exposure (CORRECT)
  • Risk management
  • Risk appetite
  • Risk dependencies

9. Which term refers to the process of enlisting leadership or management to remove an obstacle, clarify or reinforce priorities, and validate next steps?

  • Elevation
  • Risk exposure
  • Risk management
  • Escalation (CORRECT)

Correct: Escalations can act as checks and balances, so that teams can take appropriate actions when projects change.

10. What two common problems can a project manager avoid by escalating an issue?

  • Force majeure
  • Misdirected compromises (CORRECT)
  • Trench wars (CORRECT)
  • Risk appetite

Correct: Escalation can help teams settle differences and work out solutions that move the project forward.

Correct: Escalation can help teams settle differences so that problems like trench wars don’t bring projects to a standstill.

11. As a project manager, you’re implementing the ROAM technique for a new risk. You assign the risk to a team member so they can resolve it and monitor it to completion. Which ROAM action did you take?

  • Resolved
  • Owned (CORRECT)
  • Accepted
  • Mitigated

12. Imagine you are managing a project that hits a major milestone early, putting the team ahead of schedule. This alters the project plan’s original course of action. What is the name for this type of event?

  • A deviation (CORRECT)
  • A risk
  • An issue
  • A reset

Correct: Finishing tasks early can alter a project plan. Measuring project performance helps you use positive deviations like this one to your advantage.

13. Which five items should you track throughout the project execution phase?

  • Key tasks and activities (CORRECT)
  • Project goals
  • Progress toward milestones (CORRECT)
  • Action items (CORRECT)
  • Project costs (CORRECT)
  • Project schedule (CORRECT)

Correct: Tracking key tasks and activities helps keep the project on schedule and in scope.

Correct: Tracking progress toward milestones helps keep the project on schedule.

Correct: Tracking action items helps keep the project within scope.

Correct: Tracking costs helps keep the project within budget.

Correct: Tracking the project schedule helps teams complete deliverables on time.

14. Which tracking method is most useful when project managers need a way to track big milestones in a project?

  • Project status report
  • Gantt chart
  • Burndown chart
  • Roadmap (CORRECT)

Correct: A roadmap is best suited for when project managers need a way to track big milestones in a project.

15. Which tool is most useful near the end of a project, when meeting deadlines is the top priority?

  • Probability and impact matrix
  • Gantt chart
  • Roadmap
  • Burndown chart (CORRECT)

Correct: A burndown chart is a great tool to help teams meet deadlines through the project’s close.

16. Which of the following methods can be used to communicate change to stakeholders during a project? Select all that apply.

  • Escalation email (CORRECT)
  • Project charter
  • Work breakdown structure
  • Change request form (CORRECT)

Correct: Escalation emails can help project managers enlist leadership to resolve obstacles, clarify priorities, and validate next steps.

Correct: Team members and stakeholders can use change request forms to schedule discussions and communicate proposed changes.

17. Under what conditions should you send an escalation email? Select all that apply.

  • Key stakeholders need to sign off on a final decision. (CORRECT)
  • A problem inconveniences the core project team, but they resolve it themselves.
  • A problem leads to major changes in budget or timeline. (CORRECT)
  • A project team member identifies a potential risk that may have an impact in several months.

Correct: Getting project leadership to validate next steps is a key goal of escalation emails.

Correct: Escalation emails can help remove obstacles when there are major changes to a project’s timeline or budget.

18. What can project managers do to keep trench war disagreements from bringing projects to a standstill?

  • Rely on the project roadmap
  • Assess risk exposure
  • Send an escalation email (CORRECT)
  • Apply the ROAM technique

Correct: Escalation can help teams settle differences and work out solutions that move the project forward.

19. Which of the following categories are part of the ROAM technique?

  • Restored, organized, allocated, and managed
  • Restored, organized, accepted, and managed
  • Resolved, owned, accepted, and mitigated (CORRECT)
  • Resolved, owned, allocated, and mitigated

Correct: The ROAM technique helps teams manage tasks when unforeseen issues arise.

20. How does a roadmap differ from a Gantt chart?

  • Roadmap
  • Gantt chart (CORRECT)
  • Burndown chart
  • Project status report

21. Imagine that a client wants to add an auction of donated items to a fundraising event. The project manager is currently executing the project for a dinner and short concert. Which of the triple constraints does this change impact the most?

  • Timeline
  • Budget
  • Scope (CORRECT)

Correct: While the triple constraints are linked, the project manager must work to include the event’s changing requirements and scope.

22. Imagine a home improvement chain develops a new line of power tools. One of the designers wants to adopt a new process that will simplify the team’s workflow. Which method should they use to convey their idea to team members and stakeholders?

  • Change request form (CORRECT)
  • Gantt chart
  • Risk register
  • Escalation email

Correct: Team members can use change request forms to schedule stakeholder discussions and communicate proposed changes.

23. What is the process of identifying risks and issues that could impact a project, and taking steps to address their potential effects?

  • Project tracking
  • Dependency management
  • Escalation
  • Risk management (CORRECT)

Correct: Risk management can help project managers mitigate the impact of potential issues.

24. How can escalation benefit a project? Select all that apply.

  • Makes external dependencies trackable
  • Speeds up decision-making (CORRECT)
  • Encourages team participation (CORRECT)
  • Provides checks and balances (CORRECT)

Correct: Escalation can help teams make quick decisions at crucial moments, so projects can keep moving forward.

Correct: Encourage stakeholders to help solve, or own, problems to promote trust and share responsibility.

Correct: Escalation can provide checks and balances to make sure teams take appropriate actions.

25. In the ROAM technique, what does it mean to resolve a risk?

  • To classify a risk as addressed because it no longer creates a problem (CORRECT)
  • To give a team member ownership over a certain risk and entrust them to handle it
  • To understand and accept a risk for what it is because it cannot be resolved
  • To reduce the impact of a risk or the likelihood the risk will occur

Correct: While the triple constraints are linked, the project manager must work to include the event’s changing requirements and scope.

26. Which three of the following scenarios represent a deviation from a project plan?

  • A company increases its budget for a project (CORRECT)
  • A lead designer quits to take another job (CORRECT)
  • A production facility goes out of business (CORRECT)
  • A project team hits a major milestone on schedule

Correct: A welcome budget increase can still alter a project plan. Measuring project performance helps use positive deviations like this one to your advantage.

Correct: A major personnel change can potentially derail a project. Measuring project performance helps identify negative deviations like this one and stay on track.

Correct: A supply chain interruption can derail a project. Measure project performance to spot deviations like this one and stay on track.

27. How does a roadmap differ from a burndown chart?

  • A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a burndown chart measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining (CORRECT)
  • A roadmap tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview; a burndown chart is useful for large projects with many dependencies
  • A roadmap measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining; a burndown chart tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview
  • A roadmap is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a burndown chart tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview

Correct: Roadmaps help communicate the big picture to stakeholders. Burndown charts are helpful for tracking deadlines.

28. Which of the following steps are part of dependency management? Select all that apply.

  • Recording dependencies (CORRECT)
  • Efficient communication (CORRECT)
  • Eliminating dependencies
  • Continuous monitoring and control (CORRECT)

Correct: Project managers can keep track of dependencies in a risk register. The register includes descriptions of each dependency, the date, and all related tasks and activities.

Correct: Keeping the project team and stakeholders updated can help resolve dependencies and keep the project going strong.

Correct: Holding regular meetings on interrelated tasks, tracking their progress, and double-checking any changes can help keep dependencies under control.

29. What tool can project managers use to calculate risk exposure and prioritize risks using high, medium, and low rankings?

  • Probability and impact matrix (CORRECT)
  • ROAM technique
  • Risk register
  • Mitigation plan

Correct: Project managers can calculate risk exposure using a matrix that measures impact against probability.

  • Recording dependencies (CORRECT)
  • Efficient communication (CORRECT)
  • Eliminating dependencies
  • Continuous monitoring and control (CORRECT)

Correct: Project managers can keep track of dependencies in a risk register. The register includes descriptions of each dependency, the date, and all related tasks and activities.

Correct: Keeping the project team and stakeholders updated can help resolve dependencies and keep the project going strong.

Correct: Holding regular meetings on interrelated tasks, tracking their progress, and double-checking any changes can help keep dependencies under control.

30. Imagine that a toy company is known for making a popular doll, but their design team decides to test out a new material for the doll’s clothes before beginning a new batch. This test has what two types of dependencies?

  • Internal dependency (CORRECT)
  • Discretionary dependency (CORRECT)
  • External dependency
  • Mandatory dependency

Correct: Internal dependencies are relationships between tasks within the same project, like testing new materials for production.

Correct: The project team defines discretionary dependencies when they decide certain tasks should rely on one another.

31. What should you do in an escalation email? Select all that apply.

  • Explain the problem. (CORRECT)
  • Make a request. (CORRECT)
  • State your connection to the project. (CORRECT)
  • Be serious and assert authority.

Correct: You should state the problem clearly and concisely, giving your reader enough context to understand the issue.

Correct: Making a clear request for a specific action helps your reader understand how they can help.

Correct: You should always state your name, role, and relationship to the project. That way, your reader understands why you’re reaching out.

32. What should project managers track to ensure the team meets deadlines?

  • Track costs to avoid over- or under-spending on project activities.
  • Track stakeholder engagement to ensure they are aligned on project goals.
  • Track tasks as they progress and as the project approaches key milestones. (CORRECT)
  • Track project successes and celebrate achievements with the team.

Correct: It is important for project managers to create tasks and milestones to keep everyone on track. Once the progress gets going, tracking these tasks is key to meeting deadlines.

33. Fill in the blank: In the context of tracking, a(n) _____ is anything that alters a project’s original course of action, whether positive or negative.

  • Deviation (CORRECT)

34. What common problems can a project manager avoid by escalating an issue? Select all that apply.

  • Trench wars (CORRECT)
  • Inadequate compromises (CORRECT)

35. Which tracking method is most useful for projects that require a granular, broken down review of each task and where finishing on time is a top priority?

Burndown chart (CORRECT)

36. Imagine an auto manufacturer has a project to build a new model of car. The project manager learns there is a delay of a key shipment of parts. Which of the triple constraints does this change impact the most?

  • Timeline (CORRECT)
  • Budget
  • Scope

37. Imagine a project manager prepares to move a project to the execution phase. They keep a centralized document that outlines the project timeline and each team member’s responsibilities. They also send daily emails to the team with items that need immediate attention. What does the project manager fail to track? Select all that apply.

  • Progress toward milestones (CORRECT)
  • Project costs (CORRECT)

38. Which term measures potential future losses to a project resulting from specific activities or events?

Risk Exposure (CORRECT)

39. Which of the following categories are part of the ROAM how does a change request form differ from an escalation email? technique?

Resolved, owned, accepted, and mitigated (CORRECT)

40. Imagine that a toy company is known for making a popular doll, but decides to test out a new material before beginning a new batch. What type of dependency is the test? Select all that apply.

  • Recording dependencies (CORRECT)
  • Efficient communication (CORRECT)
  • Eliminating dependencies
  • Continuous monitoring and control (CORRECT)

Correct: Project managers can keep track of dependencies in a risk register. The register includes descriptions of each dependency, the date, and all related tasks and activities.

Correct: Keeping the project team and stakeholders updated can help resolve dependencies and keep the project going strong.

Correct: Holding regular meetings on interrelated tasks, tracking their progress, and double-checking any changes can help keep dependencies under control.

41. What tool can project managers use to keep disagreements from bringing projects to a standstill?

Escalation email (CORRECT)

42. Which of the following scenarios represents a deviation from a project plan? Select all that apply.

  • A project team hits a major milestone on schedule
  • A production facility goes out of business (CORRECT)
  • A company increases its budget for a project (CORRECT)
  • A lead designer quits to take another job (CORRECT)

43. Which items should you track throughout the project execution phase? Select all that apply.

  • Project goals
  • Project costs (CORRECT)
  • Progress toward milestones (CORRECT)
  • Key tasks and activities (CORRECT)

44. A burndown chart tracks time and amount of remaining tasks. What data is typically represented on the graph’s X-axis, the horizontal axis?

  • Remaining time on the project (CORRECT)
  • Assigned roles for the project
  • Remaining tasks on the project
  • Calculation of the sum of tasks

45.  Imagine an auto manufacturer has a project to build a new model of car. The project manager learns there is a delay of a key shipment of parts. Which of the triple constraints does this change impact the most?

  • Budget
  • Scope
  • Timeline (CORRECT)

46. What item should you track during the project execution phase to ensure the project successfully moves towards its completion date?

  • Retrospective notes
  • Project proposal
  • Team performances
  • Project schedule (CORRECT)

47. You manage a project with multiple milestones dependent on each other. One team must hit these milestones before another team can begin their tasks. What type of chart can you use to track this project?

  • Burndown chart
  • Project status report
  • Roadmap
  • Gantt chart (CORRECT)

48. How does a burndown chart differ from a Gantt chart?

  • A burndown chart measures tasks against time and who completed the tasks; a Gantt chart is a high-level overview of the project.
  • A burndown chart is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a Gantt chart tracks big milestones and includes a high-level project overview.
  • A burndown chart is useful for large projects with many dependencies; a Gantt chart measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining.
  • A burndown chart measures time against the amount of work completed and remaining; a Gantt chart is useful for large projects with many dependencies. (CORRECT)

49. During a project’s execution phase, what type of event does scope creep signify?

  • Task
  • Risk (CORRECT)
  • Concern
  • Milestone

50. A demolition team needs permits from the city before they can begin work. What type of dependency is this?

  • Internal dependency
  • External dependency (CORRECT)
  • Discretionary dependency
  • Priority dependency

51. A project manager closely tracks the hours and pay rate of a writer contracting on an ongoing project. What item are they tracking?

  • Action items
  • Project schedule
  • Project costs (CORRECT)
  • Key tasks

52. During the project execution phase, what chart can you use to illustrate how a project should evolve over time to your stakeholders and team members?

  • Roadmap (CORRECT)
  • Project status report
  • Gantt chart
  • Burndown chart

53. Which of the following items should a project manager include in a change request form for a project team? Select all that apply.

  • Original project proposal
  • Teams involved (CORRECT)
  • Project name (CORRECT)
  • Retrospective summary

54. During the project, two members of your team settle on a decision for the project, which will negatively impact the project outcome. What issue does this represent?

  • Risk appetite
  • Bad compromises (CORRECT)
  • Trench wars
  • Mid agreement

55. As a project manager, you’re implementing the ROAM technique for a new risk. You figure out how to work around the risk so it will no longer be a problem. Which ROAM action did you take?

  • Resolved (CORRECT)
  • Owned
  • Accepted
  • Mitigated

56. Which tracking method is best for teams with a lot of people and projects with many tasks or milestones that are dependent on one another?

  • Project status report
  • Gantt chart (CORRECT)
  • Burndown chart
  • Roadmap

57. A software company builds an application to track employee satisfaction. The client wants to add three new features to the homepage of the application. Which of the triple constraints does this change impact the most?

  • Scope
  • Timeline
  • Budget (CORRECT)

58. A software company is hosting a conference for their top executives. When they review the attendee reservations, the actual number of attendees is higher than expected. Which of the triple constraints does this change impact the most?

  • Scope (CORRECT)
  • Timeline
  • Budget

59. What should a project manager do first in order to incorporate dependency management into a project effectively?

  • Create a risk register for the dependencies
  • Identify all possible dependencies and categorize them (CORRECT)
  • Schedule regular meetings with the team members
  • Communicate updates with stakeholders

60. As a project manager, what project component should you focus on to minimize the likelihood of incurring changes to the project budget or extensions in the project timeline?

  • Proposals
  • Retrospectives
  • Team members
  • Scope (CORRECT)

61. As a project manager, you’re implementing the ROAM technique for a new risk. You work with stakeholders and team members to formulate a plan to lessen the impact the risk will have on the project. Which ROAM category is this risk now in?

  • Resolved
  • Owned
  • Accepted
  • Mitigated (CORRECT)

62. During a project you are managing, a major disaster shuts down the design facility. What is this type of event called?

  • A risk (CORRECT)
  • A deviation
  • A start
  • A changelog

63. In the ROAM technique, what does it mean to accept a risk?

  • To give a team member ownership over a certain risk and entrust them to handle it
  • To agree nothing will be done about a risk (CORRECT)
  • To reduce the impact of a risk or the likelihood the risk will occur
  • To classify a risk as addressed because it no longer creates a problem

64. Project managers should track the details of their projects to be transparent and manage risks as they arise. What is another benefit of tracking in project management?

  • It keeps team members competitive.
  • It decreases the overall cost of the project.
  • It helps the overall project stay on schedule. (CORRECT)
  • It increases the number of tasks completed.

65. What are the types of documentation you should create as a project manager to track potential events that might affect a project’s outcome? Select all that apply.

  • Project Scope Summary
  • Task List
  • Risk Register (CORRECT)
  • Probability and impact matrix (CORRECT)

66. When writing an escalation email, you open the email with “I hope you all had a great, long weekend.” Which of the five keys to writing a strong escalation email is this an example of?

  • Maintain a friendly tone (CORRECT)
  • Explain the issue
  • Make a request
  • Explain the consequences

67. What type of chart will you create to represent tasks with multiple dependencies?

  • Probability and impact matrix
  • Burndown chart
  • Gantt chart (CORRECT)
  • Roadmap

68. A new communication tool released to your team leads to a communication breakdown for the project. What type of event does this represent during the project execution phase?

  • Celebration
  • Milestone
  • Escalation
  • Risk (CORRECT)

69. Three team members on your project cannot agree on an implementation for a key task. How can you ensure a decision is made in time?

  • Adjust the timeline for the project due to the delay
  • Make a guess to the best of your knowledge and implement
  • Escalate the question to leadership for feedback (CORRECT)
  • Give the team members more time to make a decision

70. A stakeholder wants you to create a chart with a granular breakdown of each task and the time remaining to complete the tasks. What type of chart can you present to them?

  • Roadmap
  • Gantt chart
  • Project status report
  • Burndown chart (CORRECT)

Introduction to Project Execution CONCLUSION

Week one of the course is designed to give you an understanding of how the course is structured, what aspects of a project should be tracked and how to manage them effectively. You will also learn how to communicate critical risks to stakeholders.

With this knowledge, you will be well on your way to becoming a certified Google Project Manager. Join now on Coursera.org and get started on your journey toward becoming a Project Management Professional!