Start the UX Design Process: Empathize Define And Ideate WEEKLY CHALLENGE 2

Course 2 – Start the UX Design Process: Empathize, Define, And Ideate

Week 2: Creating User Stories and User Journey Maps


Complete Coursera Answers & Study Guide

Creating User Stories and User Journey Maps INTRODUCTION

In the Creating User Stories and User Journey Maps course of the Coursera Google UX Design Professional Certificate, students learn about creating practical stories for users. This course covers topics such as user interviews, market research, storytelling techniques, and journey mapping. Through applying these concepts in hands-on exercises, learners gain a better understanding of how to create effective user stories and journey maps that can be used to inform product decisions.

Additionally, students are provided with interactive activities that allow them to apply their new knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios. This course enables learners to understand the needs of their target audience more effectively and put themselves in their customers’ shoes.

Learning Objectives

  • Create user stories
  • Create a user journey map
  • Explain the importance of accessible and inclusive design

Start the UX Design Process: Empathize Define And Ideate WEEKLY CHALLENGE 2

1. Which of the following user stories is complete?

  • I want high-quality tools so I can create desirable works of art.
  • As a team manager, I want to streamline administrative processes so that my employees remain productive. (CORRECT)
  • As a teacher, I want access to more reading resources for my students.

Correct: This user story is complete with a type of user, action, and benefit. A complete user story keeps the problem user-centered, actionable, and clear.

2. What happens when a user stays on the happy path in a user story?

  • The user reaches their goal without issue because everything goes as expected. (CORRECT)
  • The user reaches their goal with some issues.
  • The user encounters a problem and is unable to reach their goal.
  • The user enjoys their journey but is unable to reach their goal.

Correct: Keeping users on the happy path helps them have a good user experience, which is the designer’s goal.

3. What are some benefits of user journey mapping? Select all that apply.

  • Clarifies marketing strategies
  • Identifies improvement opportunities (CORRECT)
  • Highlights new pain points (CORRECT)
  • Reduces the impact of designer bias (CORRECT)
  • Helps create obstacle-free paths for users (CORRECT)

Correct: One of the benefits of user journey mapping is being able to identify improvement opportunities by illustrating what the user goes through to achieve their goals. Other advantages include: highlighting new pain points, reducing the impact of designer bias, and helping create obstacle-free paths for users.

Correct: Use journey mapping highlights new pain points that a designer may not have thought about by illustrating what the user goes through to achieve their goals. Other advantages include: identifying improvement opportunities, reducing the impact of designer bias, and helping create obstacle-free paths for users.

Correct: User journey mapping reduces the impact of designer bias by illustrating what the user goes through to achieve their goals because it focuses on the persona’s needs instead of the designer’s. Other advantages include: identifying improvement opportunities, highlighting new pain points, and helping create obstacle-free paths for users.

Correct: User journey mapping helps to create obstacle-free paths for users by illustrating what the user goes through to achieve their goals. Other advantages include: identifying improvement opportunities, highlighting new pain points, and reducing the impact of designer bias.

4. Why is it important to consider someone with a disability when creating personas, user stories, and user journeys? Select all that apply.

  • To meet diversity and accessibility expectations.
  • To ensure designers have a clearly defined path to market.
  • To avoid the serious physical or emotional consequences when accessibility needs are not addressed. (CORRECT)
  • To consider those experiencing permanent, temporary, or situational disabilities. (CORRECT)

Correct: It’s important to consider someone with a disability when creating personas, user stories, and user journeys because not addressing the needs of someone with a disability can have serious consequences. Consider if fire safety escape routes didn’t include routes for wheelchairs, or if grocery stores and medical practices didn’t include accessible entrances.

Correct: Considering accessibility in design, especially during the creation of personas, user stories, and user journeys, extends its benefits to many people. Whether they are people experiencing permanent, temporary, or situational disabilities, it’s important to remember that people with and without disabilities share the same goal for any given user problem that a design is trying to solve.

5. What is the curb-cut effect?

  • A phenomenon that describes how products and policies designed for people with disabilities often end up helping everyone. (CORRECT)
  • A design approach that considers products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities.
  • A term used to describe any products, equipment, or systems that enhance learning, working, and daily living for people with disabilities.
  • A design choice that takes into account personal identifiers like ability, race, economic status, language, age, and gender.

Correct: The curb-cut effect is a phenomenon that describes how products and policies designed for people with disabilities often end up helping everyone.

Creating User Stories and User Journey Maps CONCLUSION

User stories and user journey maps are essential tools for any product designer or developer. Through the Creating User Stories and User Journey Maps course on Coursera, students can learn how to create practical stories for users, informed by concepts such as user interviews, market research, storytelling techniques, and journey mapping.

The hands-on exercises in this course will give learners a better understanding of how to create effective user stories and journey maps that can be used to inform product decisions. Additionally, the interactive activities in this course will allow learners to apply their new knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios. So what are you waiting for? Join Coursera now!